Saturday, December 26, 2009

Give Him A Few Years

He is trying to keep up with the Big Boy's. He has a few years to go !!!!Ha-Ha Let this one grow up guy's !!!!!!

2nd Buck

This is another buck using the same scrape line. Taken two day's afterthe first buck came through.

MIke's Next Buck

The time and date is wrong. This picture was taken between Dec 21-25. This is one of three bucks I got on one Scrape. " Autauga Creek " has some nice buck's on it, they are just hard to kill. January is the best time to catch this buck in the day light.

Big Boy

Friday, December 11, 2009


Turkey Shoot
Dec 19, 2009 10 A.M
F.B.Church Posey Crossroad.( New Church Site On Co.Rd 40)
All proceed go to building fund.
12 ga & 20 ga Only
Take hwy 31 north to county road 40 left go 4 mile.
You will see the signs!!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

First Scrape of the 2009 season

I placed the camara on a Scrape I found Saturday Dec 5 ,09 and caught this doe standing in it. I hope to catch the buck that is making it this week... Rut is coming .....

Her First Hunt For 2009

It looks like the Girls are ahead for the year !!!!Rachel made a great shot at about 90 yards. Good going , now hold out for a "Big Buck". Treston You better start hunting !!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Keeping Up With The Girls

Tristen takes a doe on the Alabama youth hunt back in Nov. The Next time close her month when you take a picture. Tristan told his dad he wants a " Big Buck" now. Keep on hunting and you may get your wish Tristan !!!!!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Girls Can Hunt Too !!!!!

Two special girls !!!!
Michelle with a doe and Katies first deer!!! Way to go girls !!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

He Is In The Wind

He Is In The Wind
Last week I had the opportunity to spend time with my family in Kentucky doing what we enjoy doing together, hunting the whitetail deer. I began the week a little frustrated. The farm was set up for a north wind and we were dealing with a warm south wind. As a seasoned deer hunter I knew that we were in for a hard hunt. This year I would be hunting not only with my wife Donna and youngest daughter Michelle but one of my nieces Katie. It is very important to me to pass along what I consider the family heritage of hunting , not only to my daughters and son-in-law but also to my niece Katie. She and I spent many unsuccessful hours in the stand during the 2008 -2009 season. This year was going to be different !!!!! We began our morning with a group prayer first for safety for us, and then for those family members not with us, and then we would ask the Lord to bless us with harvest . After our family prayer, I would walk Michelle to her stand, then Katie and I would make a long walk to a double stand I had moved for her just several day’s before. I checked the wind at daybreak with my powder and, to no surprise, we had another south wind. Around 7:00 I checked again just not really expecting a wind change, but more out of habit. To my surprise, we had a north wind !!! It would turn out to be the only one we would have over the next four days. I told Katie “We have a north wind! She did not really understand what that meant, but to me it was everything. Our scent was now blowing behind us !!!!!!! Literally, within minutes we spotted a buck coming our way. Katie’s heart beat begin to raise as she was listening to the instructions I began to give her. You see this was not only her first encounter with a buck, but also her first time to shoot a gun. I must stop and say the thought did cross my mind about shooting this buck, but only for a few seconds. She made a fine shot and after rejoicing together for moment, we thanked the Lord for the harvest. Have I mentioned yet it was an 11- point buck with a body weight of about 180 pounds. When He works, He works !!!!!
Scripture Of The Day:
“That Even The Winds And The Sea Obey Him!”
Matthew 8:27
Thought Of The Day:
“Have You Spent Time With A Child Lately Teaching Them About God’s Creation?”
Hunting Tip Of The Month:
Always have in your backpack some “ Wind Checker”. It will let you know which way your scent is going, even if you don’t feel any wind blowing.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Kentucky Bow Kill

Bow kill in Kentucky !!!! She was at 33 yards and didn't take a step forward. It was a good clean kill. Now to take a few in Alabama.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Want To See More Deer Part 3

Want To See More Deer
Part 3
" Cleanliness"

We should know by now that a deer’s nose is his best defense against locating a hunter. Even after all the articles and talk about it on the "Outdoor Chanel", hunters still show up at 5:00 a.m. with the remnant smell of cologne from the night before "AMAZING". The Denning household is right now going through a major transformation for the upcoming deer season. I have been though all the stages of deer hunting for the past 30 years and scent control has come a long way. In the early 80's I would place my camo in a garbage bag and bury it in the back yard and would only uncover it the day of the hunt. Then for years I would leave my camo on the clothesline all hunting season .I found out how quick clothes can rot. We would also dust ourselves down with baking soda to help absorb the scent off our clothes . I have even taken baths and brushed my teeth with baking soda. Yes, all of these are " Old School" hunting tricks to help keep down human sent.
Now there are products on the market to help with keeping us as scent free as possible. Now back to the Denning Household Transformation. Last night Donna and I went to our local Bass-Pro Shop to purchasing Sent-Away Soap, Shampoo, Hair Conditioner, Deodorant,. Hair Spray and Scent -Away Spray. Our transformation begins in our bathroom "All"the nice smell body soaps from Victoria Secrets must go. Your shower needs to become a protected area from smelly jells and stuff. I am sure glad my wife is a hunter!!!!! Ya’ll may have a hard time convincing your wives the importance of this transformation,. Ha-Ha. We also began washing our clothes - "All Our Clothes", Towels, Bed Sheets, any thing that may have a scent on it ,including the dog, not just our camo in sent free detergent. Then I hung our camo outside this morning and tonight we will place them in an airtight plastic bag. They will stay there till we begin bow hunting next week in Kentucy.You may ask what about a cover scent. I know there are many products out there that help to mask or even keep down your human scent. Some work and I use them ,but I would rather use the scent’s from the natural surrounding. If I am hunting around pine trees, then I will break off a pine branch and rub it on my camo. When hunting around cows, I purposely step into a cow pile to help mask my scent. I have even placed my clothes in an old corn sack if I know I will be hunting around a corn field. I hunted a burned area once in Richloam Management Area in Florida and wiped down my camo with smut from the burn and had does around me all afternoon. You may say this is extreme and I would agree with you, but to see more deer you need to be extreme !!! Want to see more deer? Begin today with how you clean up for your next deer hunt.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Painting

The Painting
A wealthy man and his son lovedto collect rare works of art. They had everything in their collection,from Picasso to Raphael. They would often sit together and admire the greatworks of art.When the Vietnam conflict brokeout, the son went to war. He was very courageous and died in battle whilerescuing another soldier. The father was notified and grieved deeply forhis only son.About a month later, just before Christmas, there was a knock at the door. A young man stood at the doorwith a large package in his hands. He said, "Sir, you don't know me, but I am the soldier for whom your son gave his life. He saved many lives that day, and he was carrying me to safety when a bullet struck him in the heart and he died instantly. He often talked about you, and your love for art." The young man held out this package. "I know this isn't much. I'm not really a great artist, but I think your son would have wanted you to have this."The father opened the package. It was a portrait of his son, painted by the young man. He stared in awe at the way the soldier had captured the personality of his son in the painting. The father was so drawn to the eyes that his own eyes welled up with tears. He thanked the young man and offered to pay him for the picture. "Oh, no sir, I could never repay what your son did for me. It's a gift."The father hung the portrait over his mantle. Every time visitors came to his home he took them to see the portrait of his son before he showed them any of the other great works he had collected. The man died a few months later. There was to be a great auction of his paintings Many influential people gathered, excited over seeing the great paintings and having an opportunity to purchase one for their collection.On the platform sat the painting of the son. The auctioneer pounded his gavel. "We will start the bidding with this picture of the son. Who will bid for this picture?" There was silence.Then a voice in the back of the room shouted, "We want to see the famous paintings. Skip this one." But the auctioneer persisted. "Will somebody bid for this pain ting. Who will start the bidding? $100, $200?"Another voice angrily. "We didn't come to see this painting. We came to see the Van Goghs, the Rembrandts. Get on with the real bids!"But still the auctioneer continued. "The son! The son! Who'll take the son?"Finally, a voice came from the very back of the room. It was the longtime gardener of the man and his son. "I'll give $10 for the painting." Being a poor man, it was all he could afford."We have $10, who will bid $20?""Give it to him for $10. Let's see the masters.""$10 is the bid, won't someone bid $20?"The crowd was becoming angry. They didn't want the picture of the son.They wanted the more worthy investments for their collections.The auctioneer pounded the gavel. "Going once, twice, SOLD for $10!"A man sitting on the second row shouted, "Now let's get on with the collection!"The auctioneer laid down his gavel. "I'm sorry, the auction is over.""What about the paintings?""I am sorry. When I was calledto conduct this auction, I was told of a secret stipulation in the will. I was not allowed to reveal that stipulation until this time. Only the painting of the son would be auctioned. Whoever bought that painting would inherit the entire estate, including the paintings.The man who took the son gets everything!"God gave His son 2,000 years ago to die on the cross. Much like the auctioneer, His message today is: "The son, the son, who'll take the son?" Because, you see, whoever takes the Son gets everything.

Forwarded To Me By Brian

Monday, September 14, 2009

Surprised Doe

She looks healthy !!!! I would like to see some fawns with these does... Send your pictures to me as you recieve them.

Friday, September 11, 2009

I had over a 190 pictures of deer this past week. Many of them were of the same deer. I will send you some more next week. I had several smaller bucks. Please keep your cameras out in the field they don't do any good setting at your house...Happy Hunting.....

Part 2 " The Lost Art Of Scouting"

"Want To See More Deer?"
Part 2
The Lost Art Of Scouting
The 21st Century hunter has changed a lot since the days of Fred Bear and Chuck Adams. The hunter today has technology those past hunters never had. We can "Google Earth" and pull up the property we are hunting. We can spend time looking for those pinch points or funnels where deer will travel. We have handheld GPS systems to help mark our favorite spots. There are even satellite image cameras so we can watch our deer from our home computer. This is all fine and good, but nothing, no nothing, takes the place of old fashion "dirt to boot" contact and I don’t mean a walk through the woods. Scouting for deer I believe has become a lost art, an art that is as old as man itself. Just as our kids no longer play outside ,but choose to spend their time on a computer. We as hunters don’t spend enough time Scouting.
When living in Florida in the 80's, we would begin scouting as early as July. We would actually make a weekend out of it. Doing nothing but scouting the woods for deer signs. Today, deer hunters show up the morning of deer season, look at a map with numbers on it, and pick a stand for the day. This year I have already spent many hours in the woods preparing for hunting season 2009, but then the question must be asked... What are you looking for?
A food source would be the first thing on my list for early season hunting. This will change as rut draws closer. Once I have found a food source that will still be around during bow season, I take a look at the trails and tracks in the trails leading to the food source. But, the most important indicator of whether that trail is worthy to hunt or not is the deer droppings found. Old droppings, new droppings, small droppings, large droppings and even the color of the droppings tell you something. In the early 80's my friend called me the "poop-ologist" after I did an test in my back yard with some "poop" I had collected. You may find this hard to believe, but a hunter can tell a lot about a deer from it’s "poop" (Ha-Ha). Next, these trails will also help you find the bedding area an once found , STAY OUT OF THEM! Set up your stand between the food source and the bedding area. Make sure it is with the right wind. One last thing, do your scouting well in advance of deer season opening. Don’t think they won’t know you’ve been in their living room. They will know it, just as you would know if someone had been in your living room. So put those new boots on and get some dirt on them. I guarantee you will see more deer!
By Mike Denning

Young Deer

Just Remember That All Corn Must Be Up By September 30th !!!!! 15 day's before bow season !!!!

Nice 8 Point

Yes he is a wall hanger for me. If we were on a really Q.D.M.A program I would let him walk. He looks to be 2years old. What do ya'll think???

2 Year Old 8 Point

Donna and I will be on this deer !!! Some where on our club " Don't Ask And I Won't Tell" Ha-HaJust enjoy the picture...

Monday, August 31, 2009

Guard Your Heart

Guard Your Heart

Several months ago I purchased my wife and daughter each a new P.S.E bow from Archery Unlimited. For the past few months they have spent many hours practicing with them. The first thing they needed to work on was perfect form , you see you can’t just pick up a bow and start shooting. You must find your anchor point and become consistent with it on each shot. The string must go across the end of your nose to keep the left and right consistent. Then they had to get used to using a peep sight! Finally they were ready to shoot at the target and shoot they did. We have spent many hours as a family practicing with our bows. After a few trips to the archery range they moved from field point targets to a 3D - Deer Target. With the use of the deer I explained to then where they needed to aim to have a pass through heart shot.
With a well placed heart shoot a deer will go down quickly.
Satan is an expert when it comes to a well placed heart shot. I am not saying he is an archer, but He understands the damage He can do to a individual’s life by piercing the heart. Satan is a destroyer of lives and he wants to destroy each of us daily. He has had a lot of practice and I hate to say it ,but a lot of success at it also. He is out to destroy families , friends, and even marriages. Nothing is sacred to him or off limits. You must be on guard yourself from him daily , because he is hunting for your heart.
Scripture For The Month:
" Above All Else, Guard Your Heart"
Proverbs 4:23
Thought For The Month:
" Have You Let Your Guard Down and Taken A Heart Shot From Satan? If So Spend Time With The Father He Is The Healer Of The Heart"
Hunting Tip Of The Month:
A Good Bow Hunter Knows The Importance Of Practice. Don’t Make The Mistake Of Wiping The Dust Off Your Bow The Week Before Bow Season. Spend Several Months Before At A Shooting Range So When Crunch Time Comes You Can Pull The Shot Off. After All It Could Be A Shot Of A Life Time.
By Mike Denning
Assoc. Pastor / Minister Of Music Glynwood Baptist Church

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Want To See More Deer

Want To See More Deer?
Three Part Series
By: Mike Denning
Year after year you may ask yourself the question: "what is the most important gadget I need to have in my backpack?" Well today’s hunters have many choices: there are game calls, the newest camo patterns, clothing and sprays to eliminate human scent and the list continues!! All of these great products may give you the edge in today’s high tech world of deer hunting. While these maybe great products nothing can take the place of the good old fashion deer hunting skills. As a veteran of 37 years in this sport, I have seen it all. In the 1980's I was asked by a deer hunting personality ( whom is now seen on TV advertising for diabetic products) to use his product and then fill out a survey as to how well it did or in this case did not work. If I were asked as to what is the most important gadget you need in your backpack the answer would be simple. The answer would be a compass!!! A compass is not only a good thing to have should you get lost, it is a very important tool to use for determining wind direction. I once heard an old timer say "You must kill the deer’s nose first before you can kill him." I whole heartedly agree!!! We all know deer can smell much better than humans. There are even times he will smell you and leave the area before you are even aware that he is in the area. So you see it is really very simple, to see more deer you must determine wind direction and then set you stands with that in mind. When you are setting your stand first determine what direction you expect the deer to come from, and then place the stand down wind from it. Next don’t hunt that stand until the wind is coming from the right direction. There are some white oaks on our club that I love to hunt but I will not hunt there until I have a NW wind. Why??? Because I understand that to do so would be a waste of my time and I would be educating the deer in this area. Plan your approach to your deer stand by checking wind direction with your compass then approach with the wind blowing away form the food source or bedding area. Yes, you might have a deer that will come down wind of you and bust you but your chance of harvesting a deer will increase as you learn to hunt the wind. What if the wind changes an hour before dark? Move....yes I said move!!!! Don’t ever be afraid to move. While hunting a club in South Carolina back in the early 90's I was dropped off my the guide. Several hours passed and just as prime time was about to begin he walked up and took me out of the stand and quickly placed me in another stand on the property. Why? Well because he understood that my chance of seeing a deer had decreased drastically due to a change in wind direction!!! So the next time you are standing at the check in box, pull out the compass and begin your hunt by checking wind direction. Now this weekend is the last weekend for the "Deer Classic" at Bass -Pro so I need to get busy making my list of the things I need. Next month I will have an article on "The Lost Art of Scouting for Deer." Remember hunting the wind will always increase your chance for success!!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Field 5# Small Buck

The future of deer hunting.

Field 5#

Last Years Doe !!!!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


This is a nice Doe !!!!

Flock Of Turkeys

He is looking for you Larry !!!!!

Young Doe

I wonder what she is looking at???

Doe 8/5/09

This Doe is looking at the camera...

Small Buck 8/4/09

This looks to be a small buck. Phillip You know all that corn needs to be clean up before Sept 30 right???

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Work Days

Work Day's
Sept. 12th 7:00 A.M
Put up new shooting house
Put Tent Up
Clean Up Camp
Sept. 24th 7:00 A.M, 25th 4:00 P.M and 26th 7:00 A.M
Plant The Fields
Oct 31st Family Cook Out 11:00
after the morning bow hunt.
Hamburgers and hot dogs.
Bring enough for your family and we will have a good time.

Next Generation

Michelle will be ready for bow season !!!It is great to see the next generations enjoying the spot of bow hunting. Phillip you better look out, see will out shoot you !! My little Red Neck Girl. Go get them Michelle.
Love Dad

Friday, August 7, 2009

Johnny W

Johnny's been caught !!!!!!!!

Same Little Buck

He maybe a shooter in a few more years..

Cuddeback Aug 7, 09

Small Buck on field # 11..

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Happy Birthday MIchelle Aug 4th !!!!
Michelle with her Kentucky buck from last year.. You have become a good little hunter. You are your Dad child. Love You Dad
Do it again this year !!!!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Making The Adjustment

Making The Adjustments
My Dad purchased me my first high powered rifle when I was 18 years old. It was a used Marlin 30-30, and I mean used. It looked like a Mac truck had run it over not once, but several times. Noo matter, it was mine and I was proud of it. It had a Weaver 3x9 scope mounted on it, and I thought I had now become the ultimate deer hunter. Till then, I had been hunting with a Sears and Robuck pump 12 gage shotgun. So you can now understand why I was so proud of that gun. Back in those day’s we would road hunt, a practice I have long given up. On this particular day, I backed my 1979 Bronco under an oak tree limb overhanging the road. I climbed up on top of my Bronco with my "New To Me" old 30-30. Some time had passed when a nice Florida six-point steped out at about 100 yards. He gave me great side shot as he steped into the dirt road. I took careful aim and pulled the trigger. To my surprise he was still standing. I shot several more times before he jumped the fence and into the woods, never to be seen again. After returning to my Dad’s camp, it did not take me long to figure out what went wrong. I had never checked the scope !!!! It was not just off but "was way" off !!!!
As Christians ( I know this to be true for myself), we get so busy with life, that we find ourselves not quite hitting the mark God has for us. God has a perfect plan for our lives, but we just don’t slow down long enough to figure out what it is. It is always good to stop and spend time with the Master, after all, He created you and wants the best for you. We all need a little adjustment in our Christian walk every once in a while. By the way, I still have that old 30-30 (now in Retirement) and since that day it has taken it’s share of both deer and hogs.
Scripture For The Month:
"Turn My Eyes Away From Worthless Things; Preserve My Life According To Your Word."
Psalms 119 :37
Thought For The Month:
Just as I needed to make the adjustments on my scope, God may want to make some adjustments in our lives.
Hunting Tip Of The Month:
Always sight your rifle in before the season and then again several weeks into the season. The cost of a few bullets could be the difference between bringing home a trophy or not.
Your’s In Christ,
Mike Denning, Minister Of Music At Glynwood Baptist Church

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Gut Pile Buck

This Buck was caught on Gut Pile. He has a lot of growing to do..

Monday, July 27, 2009

Annual Meeting

Autauga Creek Hunting Club Annual Meeting
Ryan's Steak House
Tuesday Aug. 18 ,6:00 P.M
Quest Speaker:
Claude Jenkins from A.W.F

Saturday, July 25, 2009

cuddeback 7/25

She is alert to something !!! It may be a dog !!!! Larry this would be a nice deer for you to shot with your bow.

7/23 Doe

This Deer was behind field #6. Larry found more that a chicken this time.I wonder what she is looking at???

Friday, July 24, 2009

It's A Girl Thing

Lisa, Michelle G., Michelle R ,Kay, and all you other wives better start practicing.She is opening the door for the rest of ya'll.....

Lady Bow Hunter

Ya'll better look out Donna is going to be out shooting all of us. That includes you Mike West !!!She has been shooting every night and has improved her group a lot over the past few weeks. Keep It Up Babe !!!! You might make it in another Hunting Magazine. Lisa Get Your Bow Out And Join Her !!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What Is It ???

One of our club members was having a hard time capturing anything on his Cuddeback. He even thought it might not be working. Well Larry the camera is working ,but where did you place it?? The Mongomery Zoo !!!! Ha-Ha You've Been Chickened!!!! Who might be next !!!! Ha-Ha


You never know what you may find on a green field !!!!!

The Path

The Path

Before there were "Bright Eyes" to mark your path through the darkness, we would use a machete to "skin up" a place on a tree. This would work great during the day light hours ,but became difficult during low light. ( Darkness) One morning I arrived at my path to my tree stand around "hunters time" 4:30 A.M. I began my journey through a Florida cypress swamp and within a few steps I found myself surrounded by a foot of water. Somewhere along what I thought was a well marked path , it became obvious I had gotten confused.!!!!( Not Lost Just Confused) No not I ,a well seasoned deer hunter. Shortly I found myself back at the truck where I had begun my journey. Needless to say it was day light before I found my tree stand on what I thought was a well marked path. God is our personal "Bright Eye".He and He alone makes our path clear through the darkness.
Scripture For The Day:
" You Will Show Me The Path Of Life"
Psalms 17 :11
Thought Of The Day:
Is Jesus The Light Of Your Path Or Are You On A Dim Path Filled With Confusion.
Hunting Tip Of The Day :
Trim the trail to your climber wide enough so that you will not touch any of the brush along the path . This will help eliminate human scent on your back trail.
Mike Denning Minister Of Music Glynwood Baptist Church

Friday, July 17, 2009

Buck Posing

This buck has it for the camera !!!! He seems to be posing for his picture...There again did not know it had a flash. It is not supposed to have a flash. Just not sure !!! It is a Stealth Cam stc-1540.

The Coon and The Doe

This is a dark looking doe??? Click on this picture and inlarge it. I think there is something wrong with its back leg. What do ya'll think????

Nice Doe 7/14

She looks health !!!!She Maybe pregnant ???

2nd picture 7 /14

He needs to grow up . He will be a shooter in 2012 !!!

7/14 buck

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Hunting Partners

Through the years I have had the privilege of hunting with some great guys. Guys with nick names like "The Green Giant ", because he used camo make-up not only on his face but his arms and legs and he stood at 6 foot 3. Another name, Cal, who would drive all night just to find out the place he used to dog hunt was no longer open. Yes, then there is the one I use to call "Fat Man Phillip" well, I can’t call him that any more!!!! These are just a few of my life long hunting partners. What makes a good hunting partner you may ask??? Well it’s a man who never says no to a four mile hike, through the deepest swamps in Florida just find out the hogs had moved . The man who helped you into your climber because you hurt your back the day before and can’t move your legs up and down. Or the guy who walks you to your stand at 4:30 in the morning because you left your flash light at the house. The time when your hunting partner shows up at the gate sick just because he did not want you out in those woods alone. As you can see it takes a lot to be a hunting partner . It must be a man who has the same passion as you and is willing to stick it out with you through major thunder storms, freezing weather and celebrate with you when you have once again killed the "Big One". I thank God for the hunting partners God has placed in my life these past 48 years.

"I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me." Acts 20 :24

Hunting Tip Of The Day :
Always hunt down wind. You will be surprised at how many more deer you see and harvest if you just check the wind direction before choosing a stand.

Devotion by
Mike Denning
Minister Of Music @ Glynwood Baptist Church.

Monday, June 29, 2009

A Happy Face

Her Dad got her good !!!!! A smile of a true hunter !!!!

Rachel Hamners First Deer

Rachel shot her first deer in Nov.2008 . She made her daddy proud and she was very excited!! Below is the text message she sent out right after she had shot the little doe.
Good Going Rachel !!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Large Ear Deer

What is she looking at ??? This camera is not suppose to have a flash. I guess I need to go out there at night and see for myself.

Young Doe

This young doe was checking out where I had placed "The Rock" from Bas-Pro.How Old Do You Think She Is?

Velvet Buck

This buck was on field #2 on south rd. How old do you think this buck is ??

Friday, June 12, 2009

8 Points for Mom

(Click on picture to enlarge the article)

Friday, June 5, 2009

Archery Unlimited Supports Outdoor Ministry

Rick is more than happy to help when it comes to passing on the tradition of hunting .

Outreach Through The Outdoors

Members of a local church and local business owners ( Archery Unlimited In Prattville ) recently partnered to sponsor two young men for an outdoors weekend at an Autauga County hunting camp. Autauga County resident James Segers, son of Lamar and Audra Segers, and a youth from the Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes were guests of the Autauga Creek Hunting Club and the Glynwood Baptist Church the weekend of January 4-6, 2008. For James Segers, who had spent several weeks in Children’s Hospital in 2007 for treatment of a heart infection, this was a great opportunity for him to return to normal activities that he enjoys. For the young man (whose name cannot be printed for privacy reasons) from the Children’s Home, this was the first time he had ever been hunting. His foster father house parent accompanied him on the trip.

The young men and their fathers were treated to a weekend of camping out, learning about hunting safety, deer hunting, and just enjoying being outdoors by the members of the hunting club. The Autauga Creek Hunting Club, led by Phillip Upshaw, club president, also a member of Glynwood Baptist, provided the camp and hunting land. Other club members guided the guests during the weekend. Rev. Mike Denning, Associate Pastor of Glynwood Baptist Church Prattville, served as the coordinator for the event.

Local business sponsors who provided hunting clothing and equipment for the young men were Rick Hellums, President of Archery Unlimited; Mike Hester of Young Bucks Outdoors Online Magazine; and Deborah Platt, owner and operator of Deborah’s Stitchery. Other members of the Glynwood Baptist Church provided a camper and food for the event.

When asked why the church sponsored this event, Rev. Denning said, "We need to be outside the four walls of the church, creating opportunities to share the love of Christ with others. Whether it is through hunting, motorcycle events, or fishing, what ever it takes to full fill the Great Commission. I hope that this will become an annual event for our church and the Autauga Creek Hunting Club."

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tristan First Deer

Tristan was hunting with his dad on Nov 2008 in field 1-A when he harvested his first deer. You can till by the smile he was happy. We expect you to kill a big one this year Tristan.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Rachel's First Deer

Rachels first deer !!! We as a club encourge the youth to take any size deer for their first harvest.

The Boss Gobbler Himself

Mike W. harvested this turkey in April 2008. When hunting with Mike you better wear your sneakers, this guy puts a new meaning to " Runin And Gunin".

A Great Day Hunting

Through the years God has blessed me with some of the finest hunting partners , but my greatest joy is hunting with my wife. She had never hunted till after we were married and now enjoys the outdoors ,as mush as I do.On this day we had worked several turkeys and even shot at a long beard earlier. Even though this turkey may not be a trophy by most standards ,it created a memory of a life time for us. Thank you Lord for another day afield in your great outdoors.

This 2.5 year old deer should be a nice deer this year. This picture was taken in Nov. of 2008.