Monday, June 29, 2009

A Happy Face

Her Dad got her good !!!!! A smile of a true hunter !!!!

Rachel Hamners First Deer

Rachel shot her first deer in Nov.2008 . She made her daddy proud and she was very excited!! Below is the text message she sent out right after she had shot the little doe.
Good Going Rachel !!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Large Ear Deer

What is she looking at ??? This camera is not suppose to have a flash. I guess I need to go out there at night and see for myself.

Young Doe

This young doe was checking out where I had placed "The Rock" from Bas-Pro.How Old Do You Think She Is?

Velvet Buck

This buck was on field #2 on south rd. How old do you think this buck is ??

Friday, June 12, 2009

8 Points for Mom

(Click on picture to enlarge the article)

Friday, June 5, 2009

Archery Unlimited Supports Outdoor Ministry

Rick is more than happy to help when it comes to passing on the tradition of hunting .

Outreach Through The Outdoors

Members of a local church and local business owners ( Archery Unlimited In Prattville ) recently partnered to sponsor two young men for an outdoors weekend at an Autauga County hunting camp. Autauga County resident James Segers, son of Lamar and Audra Segers, and a youth from the Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes were guests of the Autauga Creek Hunting Club and the Glynwood Baptist Church the weekend of January 4-6, 2008. For James Segers, who had spent several weeks in Children’s Hospital in 2007 for treatment of a heart infection, this was a great opportunity for him to return to normal activities that he enjoys. For the young man (whose name cannot be printed for privacy reasons) from the Children’s Home, this was the first time he had ever been hunting. His foster father house parent accompanied him on the trip.

The young men and their fathers were treated to a weekend of camping out, learning about hunting safety, deer hunting, and just enjoying being outdoors by the members of the hunting club. The Autauga Creek Hunting Club, led by Phillip Upshaw, club president, also a member of Glynwood Baptist, provided the camp and hunting land. Other club members guided the guests during the weekend. Rev. Mike Denning, Associate Pastor of Glynwood Baptist Church Prattville, served as the coordinator for the event.

Local business sponsors who provided hunting clothing and equipment for the young men were Rick Hellums, President of Archery Unlimited; Mike Hester of Young Bucks Outdoors Online Magazine; and Deborah Platt, owner and operator of Deborah’s Stitchery. Other members of the Glynwood Baptist Church provided a camper and food for the event.

When asked why the church sponsored this event, Rev. Denning said, "We need to be outside the four walls of the church, creating opportunities to share the love of Christ with others. Whether it is through hunting, motorcycle events, or fishing, what ever it takes to full fill the Great Commission. I hope that this will become an annual event for our church and the Autauga Creek Hunting Club."

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tristan First Deer

Tristan was hunting with his dad on Nov 2008 in field 1-A when he harvested his first deer. You can till by the smile he was happy. We expect you to kill a big one this year Tristan.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Rachel's First Deer

Rachels first deer !!! We as a club encourge the youth to take any size deer for their first harvest.

The Boss Gobbler Himself

Mike W. harvested this turkey in April 2008. When hunting with Mike you better wear your sneakers, this guy puts a new meaning to " Runin And Gunin".

A Great Day Hunting

Through the years God has blessed me with some of the finest hunting partners , but my greatest joy is hunting with my wife. She had never hunted till after we were married and now enjoys the outdoors ,as mush as I do.On this day we had worked several turkeys and even shot at a long beard earlier. Even though this turkey may not be a trophy by most standards ,it created a memory of a life time for us. Thank you Lord for another day afield in your great outdoors.

This 2.5 year old deer should be a nice deer this year. This picture was taken in Nov. of 2008.

January Buck

Scott's 2009 January Buck

Scott had viewed this buck several times on his game camera before havesting this nice 8 point. The buck weight in at about 165 pounds.
Good Going Scott !!!

Hunting With Family

2009 Turkey

Josh's first turkey called up by Mike his father -in -law. It had 10 inch beard and 3/4 inch spurs.

Congratulations Josh !!!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Larry with a nice turkey

Larry is a fine turkey hunter and has killed several nice turkeys through his career of hunting, but this is one of his best yet. Not To Bad Larry !!!!!

Snow Day Buck

Snow Day Buck
Phillips Buck
185 lbs. 8 point