Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Several Posts below you will find a picture of a mock scrape I made with the heal of my boot.I doctored it up with a little " Code Blue" ,so to attract a buck ,both visually and to appeal to his since of smell.The bottom line is I am setting a trap to harvest a buck. Satan uses the same techniques on us , He knows just what to use ,to distract us from what God has in store for us.Just as I know during the rut the bucks are running wild looking for a doe in heat. Satan knows there are times in our Christian life He can distract us from our daily walk with Christ. In many cases He does not have to destroy us He just has to nudge us enough ,so that we take our eyes off of the Lord. I hate to say ,but then there are those Christians who are so entrapped by Satan that it begins to effect their choices in life and even there relationship with the Lord. Just as I want to harvest a Big Buck , Satan is out to destroy us. No I have not killed that Big Buck yet . It may be he has chosen to use a safer path than the one I have set my trap on. As Christians we must be aware that Satan is out to get us ,so take the path of righteousness and keep your eyes on the Lord , he will see you through.
Scripture Of The Month:
"Teach me thy way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path, because of my enemies"
Psalms 27 :11
Thought Of The Month:
Have I Fallen Into A Trap Set By Satan To Distract Or Destroy Me?
Hunting Tip Of The Month:
Not only does a flash light , light your path in the dark but it alerts other hunters in the area you are not a deer coming out on their green field.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

12-22-2010 Buck

Not sure how many points this deer has.