Saturday, October 22, 2011

Kentucky Doe

A better picture of the doe Donna shot with her bow. If it wasn't for her we would be without deer meat right now.

8 Point

This is the 8 point I shot Friday afternoon. ( The date on the camera is wrong. ) I put a nice quartering away shot on him . Had blood for about 200 yards and he got down in a creek and I lost blood.I looked for 4 hours trying to find him.I do know that there are a lot of coyote on this property and that may have had something to do with it. Again I hated loosing this buck !!!!!!!

Nice buck

Bucky The Pet Deer

You can't imagine how surprised I was when this deer walked by ... I found out later he was a neighbor's pet.... He was with his mother and two fawns .He hung around with me that morning and came back that evening.

He stood there and watched me shoot a 8 point that evening. I spent 4 hours the next day trying find the 8 point. He got down into a creek and I lost blood about 200 yards from where I shot him... I hated it !!!!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Somewhere on the club.

Another fine buck caught on camera on Autauga Creek Hunting Club.

Bow Seasons opens tomorrow maybe he will give someone a shot. The date on this camera is off. This picture was taken this year. Sometime in Sept. 2011 Sorry !!!!


Bow Season Begins tomorrow Oct 15. Don't forget to wear your safety vest.

Club cookout will begin around 11:00. Bring enough hamburgers ,hot dogs , drink and a side dish for you family. The grill will be hot at 11:15 !!!!!

Come and be a part of the fellowship !!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

An Enemy Among Us

An Enemy Among Us

Saturday afternoon I had a front row seat to how the natural cycle of life in the wild takes place. While bow hunting in Kentucky Saturday afternoon, I saw a bobcat lurking around on the forest floor below me. He never knew I was in his world!!! He was taking his time moving very slowly, calculating every step he took. He was a very seasoned hunter. Then the woods came alive with the sounds of leaves rustling , squirrels barking, and the squeal of one particular squirrel who was now in the jaws of this bobcat. Within just a few minutes things were back to normal, except for this flock of crows, which perched themselves just above where the bobcat was, now having his meal for the day. Though their body language and the noise they were making, it was very clear they didn’t like what just took place. As I witness this, I was reminded that Satan is lurking around us just like that bobcat, waiting for the chance to destroy our lives. As Christians, we must always be on the lookout for him and his destruction. We must guard our hearts and mind at all times, never taking our eyes off of the One who protects us.

Scripture Of The Month:
“ And The Peace Of God , Which Surpasses All Understanding, Will Guard Your Heart And Mind Through Christ Jesus”
Philippians 4:7

Thought Of The Month:
All Satan has to do is distract you just enough that you take your eyes off of Christ and he has you.
Hunting Tip Of The Month:
Squirrel hunting with a scope on your 22 can help improve your grouping when it is time to sight-in your deer rifle.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Kentucky Buck

This buck was caught off guard by the camera that was placed just down from Donna's tree stand. He is a nice deer ,but I was told by several local guy's this was nothing compared to what they had on their camera. Donna saw several small bucks from her stand and did pull her bow back on a buck that was bigger than this one , but she lost light before taking the shot. Kentucky is becoming the next record book state and we are blessed to have a place there to hunt.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Doe down in Kentucky

Mom is a head of the boy's already !!!!!! She harvested this doe in Kentucky on a early season bow hunt. Now lets get ready for Alabama bow season which opens Saturday morning. Maybe I will be able to redeem myself. Good Job Donna!!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Family Unit

Saturday, October 1, 2011

First Rattle Snake Of The Season

I got just a little to close to him this morning. I had to use a shovel to kill him. He maybe a small timber rattler , but he would have made me sick !!!!