Saturday, December 24, 2011

8 Point on Creek

This picture was taken sometime between Dec 12 & Dec 23. He came from across the Autauga Creek. I hope he sticks around long enough for some one to get a shot.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Hunters Prayer

I believe many hunters love the outdoors because it provides the opposite of their everyday lives. WE ARE TOO BUSY! It provides us with an opportunity to "shut everything out" and enjoy the quiet. Here is a prayer the next time you are in the stand.Dear Lord, I need true rest-not just for my body but for my spirit as well. Thank you for this time You have given me to be quiet. I am grateful that I can be here in your creation. Help me to be still and know that you are God. Amen.Have a great day from Ironman Outdoors

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

" The Miss"

“The Miss”
Friday afternoon, October 27, will go down as one of the worst hunting days of my 30 plus year career. I have dreamed, waited, yes... even prayed for this day to come. The day “Mr. Big”, “Mossy Horns”, “The Big G” would walk within bow range. I was on a new piece of property and had just hung the stand that morning for an afternoon hunt. As a typical bow hunter I looked for and found a white oak tree that was raining acorns. The dinner bell was being rung; little did I know who would show up for dinner. Just before dark I spot not one, but two nice bucks making their way to my place of ambush. As I watch these deer approach I noticed one was a buck of a lifetime and I had him at 23 yards. I stood up in my stand to find out my knees and soon the rest of me was falling victim to “buck fever.” I drew to full draw and flung the first arrow over his back. The second arrow stuck between his legs. My Lumenok ends lit up like Christmas tree ornaments as the buck walked away.
When shooting an arrow from a bow, one of three things can happen. 1. The arrow will hit the bulls eye. 2. The arrow will go slightly left or right, or high or low of the bulls eye. 3. It will miss the target all together. God’s word is like an arrow. It can pierce the heart of men with pin point accuracy and it carries with it the truth of the gospel. All of us have missed the mark without Christ. Romans 3:23 says that, all have fallen short. Not just some, but ALL of us miss the mark without the Saving Grace of Jesus.

Scripture of the Month:
“For all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God.” Romans 3:23

Thought of the Month:
Has the arrow of truth pierced your heart with the Gospel? If not, what are you waiting on? God came so we could all be saved!

Hunting Tip of the Month:
Try to focus on the kill shot and not the size of the antlers.

Josh And Amanda

The first thing Amanda ask was " What are you going to do with it" Josh said mount it !!!! Amanda has always said that her house would not look like her mom and dad's house. That is full of deer heads. Well Amanda it is going to look great in your Alabama room....You are married to a deer hunter !!!!!

For you who may not know Amanda is my Daughter !!!

Live Picture Of Josh's Buck

We had several pictures of the buck Josh shot. At one time he had two other bucks with him. He ended up weighing 210 pounds. I estamate him to be 4.5 years old or even older. Again Autauga Creek Hunting Club doesn't have a lot of deer, but has some nice quality deer. This picture was taken on field 9 and Josh shot him on field 11-A.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Josh's First Buck

My Son-Law Josh Cline killed his first buck this afternoon on Autauga Creek Hunting Club. The deer looks to be about 4.5 years old.It has 9 points and a kicker off one side. He is starting gun season off right. Way To Go Josh !!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Donna's 2011 8 Point

Donna harvested this 8 point while hunting on her Aunts farm. She laid down her bow and picked up her 270 for gun season. She is one happy lady !!! What I can't understand is why she always gets ahead of me. We had a great time hunting and spending time with family !!!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Another Kentucky deer - Parker Rice

Saturday, November 12, 2011

9 year old Sam Rice, Logansport Kentucky

This was Sam's first buck and he was a proud little man. His dad told me that they stopped and thanked the Lord for the harvest of this buck. Enjoy those backstraps !!!!!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Kentucky Doe

A better picture of the doe Donna shot with her bow. If it wasn't for her we would be without deer meat right now.

8 Point

This is the 8 point I shot Friday afternoon. ( The date on the camera is wrong. ) I put a nice quartering away shot on him . Had blood for about 200 yards and he got down in a creek and I lost blood.I looked for 4 hours trying to find him.I do know that there are a lot of coyote on this property and that may have had something to do with it. Again I hated loosing this buck !!!!!!!

Nice buck

Bucky The Pet Deer

You can't imagine how surprised I was when this deer walked by ... I found out later he was a neighbor's pet.... He was with his mother and two fawns .He hung around with me that morning and came back that evening.

He stood there and watched me shoot a 8 point that evening. I spent 4 hours the next day trying find the 8 point. He got down into a creek and I lost blood about 200 yards from where I shot him... I hated it !!!!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Somewhere on the club.

Another fine buck caught on camera on Autauga Creek Hunting Club.

Bow Seasons opens tomorrow maybe he will give someone a shot. The date on this camera is off. This picture was taken this year. Sometime in Sept. 2011 Sorry !!!!


Bow Season Begins tomorrow Oct 15. Don't forget to wear your safety vest.

Club cookout will begin around 11:00. Bring enough hamburgers ,hot dogs , drink and a side dish for you family. The grill will be hot at 11:15 !!!!!

Come and be a part of the fellowship !!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

An Enemy Among Us

An Enemy Among Us

Saturday afternoon I had a front row seat to how the natural cycle of life in the wild takes place. While bow hunting in Kentucky Saturday afternoon, I saw a bobcat lurking around on the forest floor below me. He never knew I was in his world!!! He was taking his time moving very slowly, calculating every step he took. He was a very seasoned hunter. Then the woods came alive with the sounds of leaves rustling , squirrels barking, and the squeal of one particular squirrel who was now in the jaws of this bobcat. Within just a few minutes things were back to normal, except for this flock of crows, which perched themselves just above where the bobcat was, now having his meal for the day. Though their body language and the noise they were making, it was very clear they didn’t like what just took place. As I witness this, I was reminded that Satan is lurking around us just like that bobcat, waiting for the chance to destroy our lives. As Christians, we must always be on the lookout for him and his destruction. We must guard our hearts and mind at all times, never taking our eyes off of the One who protects us.

Scripture Of The Month:
“ And The Peace Of God , Which Surpasses All Understanding, Will Guard Your Heart And Mind Through Christ Jesus”
Philippians 4:7

Thought Of The Month:
All Satan has to do is distract you just enough that you take your eyes off of Christ and he has you.
Hunting Tip Of The Month:
Squirrel hunting with a scope on your 22 can help improve your grouping when it is time to sight-in your deer rifle.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Kentucky Buck

This buck was caught off guard by the camera that was placed just down from Donna's tree stand. He is a nice deer ,but I was told by several local guy's this was nothing compared to what they had on their camera. Donna saw several small bucks from her stand and did pull her bow back on a buck that was bigger than this one , but she lost light before taking the shot. Kentucky is becoming the next record book state and we are blessed to have a place there to hunt.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Doe down in Kentucky

Mom is a head of the boy's already !!!!!! She harvested this doe in Kentucky on a early season bow hunt. Now lets get ready for Alabama bow season which opens Saturday morning. Maybe I will be able to redeem myself. Good Job Donna!!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Family Unit

Saturday, October 1, 2011

First Rattle Snake Of The Season

I got just a little to close to him this morning. I had to use a shovel to kill him. He maybe a small timber rattler , but he would have made me sick !!!!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Botton Buck

Small button buck that like to pose for the camera. Give him about 5 years and he will be a nice buck.

Please don't mistake him for a doe....Let him grow...


A nice 8 point for someone to hunt. I have several pictures of him at night. I am trying to figure out how to hunt him during bow season. The trees are so small where he is hanging out at , that it will be hard to find a tree big enough for a stand.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

8 / 26 Doe

The date is wrong on this camera...We get a lot of does and small bucks on camera we just don't post many of them. We use the cameras to judge the health and estimate the number of deer on the property.

8 / 31 8 Point Buck

This is a nice 8 point. I think he is about a 2.5 year old. Let me know how old you think he is.?

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Picture left on Camera From Last Year

Checking out the camera.

He is a little close...

Sunday, August 28, 2011

9-30 Buck

This was on the camera I left out last year . I had never seen this picture before. Just thought I would share. This buck is still somewhere on our property !!!!At least our club didn't harvest him.

#3 Left behind

Just a nice picture of a doe I thought I would share. I had several pictures of does and small bucks . The camera finally went dead in the middle of Febuary.

#2 left behind

This was on the camera from last year before I moved it to the swamp. This deer will be a fine buck this 2011-2012 season.

Left Behind

I left this camera in the woods from Dec till Saturday Aug 27th. So the next few pictures are from the camera. Although I moved it from a green field to the swamp, before checking it.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011



There is a country song on the radio by Trace Adkins called “ Just Fishin”. The song is about a father taking his daughter fishing. They are both fishing , but for different reasons. The daughter thinks it is all about catching fish “ Just Fishin”, but to the father it is about creating life long memories. Now, I know this is a hunting blog, but the same can be said about hunting, hiking, camping or whatever it is you do with your kids or even your grand kids. We find in Matthew 6:19-20 Where Jesus tells us “ not to story up our treasures here on this earth , where rust can destroy and thief’s can steal , but story up treasures in heaven” Does this mean that we are not to plan for our future here on earth, a course not. It means we need to keep our priority in order and as Christian look at life through eternal eyes. As a father of three girls I have great memories of us hunting, fishing, camping ,boating and look forward to do the same with my Grand kids when that time comes. God gave us our families and He created the Outdoors, so go make some good memories that will last for “eternity”.

Scripture Of The Month:
“ Do not lay for yourself treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal: but lay up for yourself treasures in heaven”
Matthew 6: 19-20

Thought Of The Month:
When was the last time you spent time in God’s great outdoors creating memories.

Hunting Tip Of The Month:
Begin a daily exercise routine, so to be in shape for hunting season.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Club News Letter

All corn on Field 15-A must be up this week. All other corn must be up before Oct 1st due to planting and bow season.

Planting Dove Field Sept 1st

Club Dove Hunt
Sept 10 , 5:00
Sept 24th , 5:00

Planting all fields Saturday Oct 1st.

Club Cookout Saturday Oct 15 , 11:00 . Bring hamburgers , Hot Dogs, Buns and your favorite drink.Bring your family with you.

Club Cookout Saturday Nov 19 , 11:00. Country Boil (Provided) You need to bring Pork Chops. Sausage ,Drinks and desert.

Club Cookout Dec & January to be announced !!!! Back Strap I hope !!!!

8-8 six point

Nice 6 point !!!! This is the kind a deer you need to let walk till he has alittle more age on him.

Deer Running From Camara

Buck or Doe ???? Let me know what you think....


This is a young deer... Not sure how many points.

8-17 buck

This could be either a 7 point or a 8 point not sure??

8- 13 Buck

This will be a nice buck for someone this year. It would be a nice trophy with a bow !!! Donna your bow stand is just off this field.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Seven Hunting Tips For August

1) Tune Your Bow

2) Shoot your bow 5 times a day to keep your form.

3) Begin estimating distance ,then check to see how close you were with a range finder.

4) Place game cameras on a food source.

5) Don't check your cameras to often . All your doing is educating the deer in the area.

6) Begin an exercising routine.

7) Check your treestands for loose or rusted bolts.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


This is the time of the year when the cool mornings give up their hold to the warmth of the sun. A time when the dogwoods are in full bloom and the sound of a Gobbler can be heard in the distance at first light. Spring time is my favorite time of the year. The browns of winter turn to green and bring with them a since of newness. During this time of the year you can find me any given morning running and gunning for the chance at harvesting a"Long Beard", "Thunder Chicken", or a "Boss Gobbler." This "Old Beard" has earned the respect of many a hunter and is called by many different names. He has been known to humble, frustrate, discourage and just outsmart the best hunter. It has been said, if a turkey could smell you would never be able to kill him! I do believe that to be true.God also has many names that he goes by. In the Old Testament He was known as Jehovah Jirah (our Provider), El Shaddai (Lord God Almighty), and Yahweh(Lord Jehovah). In the New Testament He is known as Abba (Father), The Christ, Good Shepherd, High Priest, and in Revelations the King of the Ages. These are just a few. Although He has many names He is the God of both the Old Testament and the New Testament and will soon be the reigning King of the End Times. To me He is my Savior, Master and Lord of my life. I don't only know His name, but I know Him personally.That "Thunder Chicken" may outsmart me in the morning and that is ok, but there is one thing for sure, my Lord will never leave me nor forsake me.

What name do you know Him as?

Scripture of the Month:"

O Lord, our Lord how excellent is your name in all the Earth." Psalm 8:1

Thought of the Month:

Do you only know the names of God or do you know the God of those names?

Hunting Tip of the Month:

Try hunting turkey in the afternoon after every other hunter has gone homeor to work. I have found that they will respond very well to an afternoonof cold calling.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Johnny is new to the sport of turkey hunting and this not only his first bird ,but the first bird of the 2011 season for our club. Ok you old time turkey hunters ya'll better get with it !!!Good job Johnny !!!!! Leave the big one for me !!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Larry this bird is waiting for you on field 12. Turkey season opens March 15th.

End Of The Season

End of the Season

2010 - 2011 deer season has come to a close and may I say my "butt" is thankful. One year I am going to add up all the hours I spend in a climber with anticipation of harvesting a mature white tail. Now for some of us the "excuses" begin... You know, you have used them yourself: "It was too cold.", "The deer never moved.", "I guess I was sitting in the wrong spot.", "The scope was off." As hunters we have all used one or more of these to describe our hunting season. Now, let me ask you a question, "What excuse are you usuing for not having your family in church?" As men and fathers it is our responsibility to see to it that our families are raised in church and grow in Christ. When the time comes and I am at the end of my life's season, I want to look back and know my children are grounded in Christ and involved in church, serving Him. It may not happen quite that way, but I know the scripture says. "Train up a child in the way he or she must go and when he or she is old, they will not depart from it." 2011 - 2012 hunting season will be here before you know it and again some of us will rely on some excuse to describe our season. Don't let your life's season come to an end and find you standing before the Lord without making sure you have trained your family in the way they should go ,because there will be no excuses that will work then. Have a great Turkey Season!!
Scripture of the Month:
"Train up a child in the way he or she must go and when he or she is old, they will not depart from it."
Thought of the Month:
Men be the example for your children you need to be, not the excuse that they use.
Hunting Tip of the Month:
Make sure you pattern your shot gun before hunting season. Different brands of shells and shot size will pattern differently from gun to gun. Find one that patterns just right for your gun.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Several Posts below you will find a picture of a mock scrape I made with the heal of my boot.I doctored it up with a little " Code Blue" ,so to attract a buck ,both visually and to appeal to his since of smell.The bottom line is I am setting a trap to harvest a buck. Satan uses the same techniques on us , He knows just what to use ,to distract us from what God has in store for us.Just as I know during the rut the bucks are running wild looking for a doe in heat. Satan knows there are times in our Christian life He can distract us from our daily walk with Christ. In many cases He does not have to destroy us He just has to nudge us enough ,so that we take our eyes off of the Lord. I hate to say ,but then there are those Christians who are so entrapped by Satan that it begins to effect their choices in life and even there relationship with the Lord. Just as I want to harvest a Big Buck , Satan is out to destroy us. No I have not killed that Big Buck yet . It may be he has chosen to use a safer path than the one I have set my trap on. As Christians we must be aware that Satan is out to get us ,so take the path of righteousness and keep your eyes on the Lord , he will see you through.
Scripture Of The Month:
"Teach me thy way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path, because of my enemies"
Psalms 27 :11
Thought Of The Month:
Have I Fallen Into A Trap Set By Satan To Distract Or Destroy Me?
Hunting Tip Of The Month:
Not only does a flash light , light your path in the dark but it alerts other hunters in the area you are not a deer coming out on their green field.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

12-22-2010 Buck

Not sure how many points this deer has.