Tuesday, November 22, 2011

" The Miss"

“The Miss”
Friday afternoon, October 27, will go down as one of the worst hunting days of my 30 plus year career. I have dreamed, waited, yes... even prayed for this day to come. The day “Mr. Big”, “Mossy Horns”, “The Big G” would walk within bow range. I was on a new piece of property and had just hung the stand that morning for an afternoon hunt. As a typical bow hunter I looked for and found a white oak tree that was raining acorns. The dinner bell was being rung; little did I know who would show up for dinner. Just before dark I spot not one, but two nice bucks making their way to my place of ambush. As I watch these deer approach I noticed one was a buck of a lifetime and I had him at 23 yards. I stood up in my stand to find out my knees and soon the rest of me was falling victim to “buck fever.” I drew to full draw and flung the first arrow over his back. The second arrow stuck between his legs. My Lumenok ends lit up like Christmas tree ornaments as the buck walked away.
When shooting an arrow from a bow, one of three things can happen. 1. The arrow will hit the bulls eye. 2. The arrow will go slightly left or right, or high or low of the bulls eye. 3. It will miss the target all together. God’s word is like an arrow. It can pierce the heart of men with pin point accuracy and it carries with it the truth of the gospel. All of us have missed the mark without Christ. Romans 3:23 says that, all have fallen short. Not just some, but ALL of us miss the mark without the Saving Grace of Jesus.

Scripture of the Month:
“For all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God.” Romans 3:23

Thought of the Month:
Has the arrow of truth pierced your heart with the Gospel? If not, what are you waiting on? God came so we could all be saved!

Hunting Tip of the Month:
Try to focus on the kill shot and not the size of the antlers.

Josh And Amanda

The first thing Amanda ask was " What are you going to do with it" Josh said mount it !!!! Amanda has always said that her house would not look like her mom and dad's house. That is full of deer heads. Well Amanda it is going to look great in your Alabama room....You are married to a deer hunter !!!!!

For you who may not know Amanda is my Daughter !!!

Live Picture Of Josh's Buck

We had several pictures of the buck Josh shot. At one time he had two other bucks with him. He ended up weighing 210 pounds. I estamate him to be 4.5 years old or even older. Again Autauga Creek Hunting Club doesn't have a lot of deer, but has some nice quality deer. This picture was taken on field 9 and Josh shot him on field 11-A.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Josh's First Buck

My Son-Law Josh Cline killed his first buck this afternoon on Autauga Creek Hunting Club. The deer looks to be about 4.5 years old.It has 9 points and a kicker off one side. He is starting gun season off right. Way To Go Josh !!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Donna's 2011 8 Point

Donna harvested this 8 point while hunting on her Aunts farm. She laid down her bow and picked up her 270 for gun season. She is one happy lady !!! What I can't understand is why she always gets ahead of me. We had a great time hunting and spending time with family !!!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Another Kentucky deer - Parker Rice

Saturday, November 12, 2011

9 year old Sam Rice, Logansport Kentucky

This was Sam's first buck and he was a proud little man. His dad told me that they stopped and thanked the Lord for the harvest of this buck. Enjoy those backstraps !!!!!