Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Bow Hunting Tips of The Week

Helpful Tips Of The Week

1) Cut your pull rope at the height you desire to hunt. Use it as a way to measure your height up a tree during practice and actual hunting situation.

2) Practice shooting from the same stand you will be hunting out of.

3) Use tennis balls during your practice shoot. While your up the stand have someone toss the tennis ball in front of you. First identify the distance then make the shot.

4) Wear your Safety Harness even while practicing

Have A Great Bow Season !!!!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Corn Reminder

All personal corn spots must be raked up and removed by Oct1st. That gives 15 days before Bow Season opens. We do not want anyone getting in trouble for baiting.

Tall Rack

You will need to look close to see his rack. This is the buck that was standing behind the buck in the picture below. I have several pictures of these bucks , but these are the best one's. Both of these will be good bucks in a few more years.

Two Bucks

There are two deer here and both our bucks . I have had 4 different bucks come by this camera.


 The future of deer hunting wearing spot's