Monday, August 27, 2012

Looking Back

Looking Back
As I look back though my years of bow hunting, one hunt in particular puts a smile on my face. It's not about the largest buck I have ever harvested, but just the opposite. It was a warm September morning, the first day of bow season. I was hunting “Lower Suwannee Wildlife Refuge" in Chiefland Florida, and was my favorite place to hunt. I was hunting with the best hunting equipment you could purchase at the time. A browning bow set on 50 pounds with a plastic rest hanging off the side. My release was a leather glove with wax on the finger tips for easy release. Yes I was decked out with the finest equipment of the time!!!  My hunt began with a walk through a tide controlled swamp after crossing several small creeks I made my way up my 10 foot ladder stand that had been placed in there several weeks before. I was ready for a day of bow hunting. Shortly after 7:00 I saw a small buck on my back trail coming my way. He was following a new sent that was just out on the market "Tink's 69”. I had soaked a bath cloth down with this new sent and drug it in behind me on a string. To my surprise he had his nose glued to that scent and walking straight to me. I harvested that 3 point at seven yards from a 10 foot ladder stand. He never took a state record nor did he make it as a trophy on my wall of fame, but when I think back to those early years of bow hunting he brings a smile to this now aging hunter’s face and he will always be a trophy in my eyes.
Scripture Of The Month:
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it" Matthew 7:13
Thought Of The Month:
Begin a journal of your hunts so your children will have them as a treasure once you have went home to be with the Lord.
Hunting Tip Of The Month:
Now is the time to use your game cameras to gather information on your deer herd.

Rev.Mike Denning

same small buck

Just a different angle of that small six point.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Small 6 Point

Small 6 point and doe.. This is the first buck I hav e caught on camera for 2012-2013 season.It will be a few years before he is a shooter.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Florida Gator

An old friend of mine got his first Florida Gator . It was a little over 10 feet long. Good going Bobby !!!!! I wish I could have been there to share the memory.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Green Fields The Curse Of Deer Hunting

Green Fields the Curse of Deer Hunting

Back in the 80's there was a movie that starred Kevin Costner titled “Fields of Dreams.” The movie centered on a farmer who built a baseball field out in a corn field. As the movie unfolds, players show up from every where to play baseball. This goes to show that “if you build it, they will come” or does it?
Hunting clubs all over the South East spend thousands of dollars a year planting the newest seed on the market in hopes to attract deer into the food plot during day light hours. I do the same thing and have for years. The trouble with this hunting practice is not the planting of the field, but the way we hunt the field. Many hours are spent by hunters, year in and year out, sitting in a shooting house on an old fashioned food plot. In most cases leaving them wondering, “Where are the deer?” Well, the deer are still there they just have become wiser than the hunter. If you were to stick your nose out on a field somewhere just to be shot at, it would not take you long to stop using that field or wait until night time to come out. With that said, let me give you several ways to see more deer. You must first ask the question, “Are we using these fields to attract does or bucks?” You may say that is an odd question... BUT, if you have planted the field to get meat for the freezer then shooting does will do. However, if you have planted the field to get a nice buck during rut, then let the does live! If you want that buck you’ll have to declare the green field a safe zone for does and young bucks. After all it is the old does that train the young bucks. Keep in mind that if you have been shooting does off your green fields it will take several years to reverse the effects so they again feel safe. As the does and young bucks feel safe on the field during the daylight hours, your sightings will increase and your mature bucks will begin coming out. Now, quality deer management says to shoot does to keep the heard balanced. I never said don’t shoot a doe, just don’t do it on a green field. Take your doe somewhere in the woods away from those safe zones. Green fields are an important part of our hunting in the South; I just think we need to be a little wiser on how to use them.

Mike Denning

Bow Tips

Seven Hunting Tips For August
1) Tune Your Bow

2) Shoot your bow 5 times a day to keep your for form.

3) Begin estimating distance ,then check to see how close you were with a range finder.

4) Place game cameras on a food source.

5) Don't check your cameras to often . All your doing is educating the deer in the area.

6) Begin an exercising routine.

7) Check your treestands for loose or rusted bolts.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Work Days

Work Day Schedule

Aug 25th , 6:00 - 12:00

Sept. 8th , 6:00 -12:00

Sept. 22 , 6:00 -12:00

Oct 6th Plant Food Plots

Each Full Membership Must Work 3 Days.

Donna's Is Getting Ready

Donna getting ready for bow season!!! How is that new Mathew Jewels working out for you???