Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Hunting Partners

Through the years I have had the privilege of hunting with some great guys. Guys with nick names like "The Green Giant ", because he used camo make-up not only on his face but his arms and legs and he stood at 6 foot 3. Another name, Cal, who would drive all night just to find out the place he used to dog hunt was no longer open. Yes, then there is the one I use to call "Fat Man Phillip" well, I can’t call him that any more!!!! These are just a few of my life long hunting partners. What makes a good hunting partner you may ask??? Well it’s a man who never says no to a four mile hike, through the deepest swamps in Florida just find out the hogs had moved . The man who helped you into your climber because you hurt your back the day before and can’t move your legs up and down. Or the guy who walks you to your stand at 4:30 in the morning because you left your flash light at the house. The time when your hunting partner shows up at the gate sick just because he did not want you out in those woods alone. As you can see it takes a lot to be a hunting partner . It must be a man who has the same passion as you and is willing to stick it out with you through major thunder storms, freezing weather and celebrate with you when you have once again killed the "Big One". I thank God for the hunting partners God has placed in my life these past 48 years.

"I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me." Acts 20 :24

Hunting Tip Of The Day :
Always hunt down wind. You will be surprised at how many more deer you see and harvest if you just check the wind direction before choosing a stand.

Devotion by
Mike Denning
Minister Of Music @ Glynwood Baptist Church.


Phillip said...

Mike,it has been a pleasure being your hunting partner thru the years, You taught me the ropes about deer hunting. We've hunted in good weather/bad weather no matter what, pouring down rain, & snow on the coldest day of the year. And you can call me anything you want as long as you call me your hunting partner & friend. Hey , meet me at the gate in the morning at 5:30 and lets' go "Huntin"

Mike said...

Same to you. And I really Mean it !!!Lttle Buddy !!!!

Bobby said...


Very nice. I forgot about the camo . LOL

You forgot about getting stuck in mudholes after midnight, you also forgot to mention that you were way over 200 pounds when that little buddy pushed you and your tree stand up the tree...

We got a million stories. Someday I want to write a bunch of them down.

It has been great being your hunting buddy and friend.

your little buddy

Oh yeah. Don't forget fishing and piercing your ear with a #6 hook. ;o)