Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Path

The Path

Before there were "Bright Eyes" to mark your path through the darkness, we would use a machete to "skin up" a place on a tree. This would work great during the day light hours ,but became difficult during low light. ( Darkness) One morning I arrived at my path to my tree stand around "hunters time" 4:30 A.M. I began my journey through a Florida cypress swamp and within a few steps I found myself surrounded by a foot of water. Somewhere along what I thought was a well marked path , it became obvious I had gotten confused.!!!!( Not Lost Just Confused) No not I ,a well seasoned deer hunter. Shortly I found myself back at the truck where I had begun my journey. Needless to say it was day light before I found my tree stand on what I thought was a well marked path. God is our personal "Bright Eye".He and He alone makes our path clear through the darkness.
Scripture For The Day:
" You Will Show Me The Path Of Life"
Psalms 17 :11
Thought Of The Day:
Is Jesus The Light Of Your Path Or Are You On A Dim Path Filled With Confusion.
Hunting Tip Of The Day :
Trim the trail to your climber wide enough so that you will not touch any of the brush along the path . This will help eliminate human scent on your back trail.
Mike Denning Minister Of Music Glynwood Baptist Church


scott said...

In like these little devotions.