Monday, August 27, 2012

Looking Back

Looking Back
As I look back though my years of bow hunting, one hunt in particular puts a smile on my face. It's not about the largest buck I have ever harvested, but just the opposite. It was a warm September morning, the first day of bow season. I was hunting “Lower Suwannee Wildlife Refuge" in Chiefland Florida, and was my favorite place to hunt. I was hunting with the best hunting equipment you could purchase at the time. A browning bow set on 50 pounds with a plastic rest hanging off the side. My release was a leather glove with wax on the finger tips for easy release. Yes I was decked out with the finest equipment of the time!!!  My hunt began with a walk through a tide controlled swamp after crossing several small creeks I made my way up my 10 foot ladder stand that had been placed in there several weeks before. I was ready for a day of bow hunting. Shortly after 7:00 I saw a small buck on my back trail coming my way. He was following a new sent that was just out on the market "Tink's 69”. I had soaked a bath cloth down with this new sent and drug it in behind me on a string. To my surprise he had his nose glued to that scent and walking straight to me. I harvested that 3 point at seven yards from a 10 foot ladder stand. He never took a state record nor did he make it as a trophy on my wall of fame, but when I think back to those early years of bow hunting he brings a smile to this now aging hunter’s face and he will always be a trophy in my eyes.
Scripture Of The Month:
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it" Matthew 7:13
Thought Of The Month:
Begin a journal of your hunts so your children will have them as a treasure once you have went home to be with the Lord.
Hunting Tip Of The Month:
Now is the time to use your game cameras to gather information on your deer herd.

Rev.Mike Denning