Wednesday, September 3, 2014

All Personal Corn Spot Must be up Oct 1st.
Now if you are going to maintain a automatic feeder though out the season it must be ok first by our Club President.
It will need to be marked properly and must follow ALABAMA GAME RULES on supplemental feeding ( See Me)
It must be marked on the map so everyone knows where it is.
The club will maintain 4 supplemental feeders .

To Do List

Things To Do Before Bow Season.
Clean out the bathroom of all scented products.
Wash your camo and hang outside for several day to air out before packing into a sealed tight bag
Practice with your bow everyday and shoot 10 yards further than what you
 plan to shoot at a live deer.
Place tree stands down wind of the food source you are going to hunt
 and only hunt it with the right wind.
Practice shooting from a elevated tree stand .
Cut your pull rope the same length on each climber you plan to bow hunt from.
Check stands for loose bolts and the big one is make sure all the metal parts are foamed completely out to cut down on noise.
 Hang stands several weeks before the season and cover them with loose limbs.
Check you personal safety harness for wear and tare . 


Good Group Of Young Turkeys for our spring season .

Young Doe

Just not sure where the bucks are this year???

Black Coyote

Sure Hope Roger gets this coyote in one of his traps.