Friday, January 17, 2014

I have been know in the past to make a mock scrape under a branch with the heel of my sent free rubber boot.I doctored it up with a little " Code Blue" ,so to attract a buck ,both visually and to appeal to his since of smell.The bottom line is I am setting a trap to harvest a buck. Satan uses the same techniques on us , He knows just what to use ,to distract us from what God has in store for us.Just as I know during the rut the bucks are running wild looking for a doe in heat. Satan knows there are times in our Christian life He can distract us from our daily walk with Christ. In many cases He does not have to destroy us He just has to nudge us enough ,so that we take our eyes off of the Lord. I hate to say ,but then there are those Christians who are so entrapped by Satan that it begins to effect their choices in life and even there relationship with the Lord. Just as I want to harvest a Big Buck , Satan is out to destroy us. No I have not killed that Big Buck yet . It may be he has chosen to use a safer path than the one I have set my trap on. As Christians we must be aware that Satan is out to get us ,so take the path of righteousness and keep your eyes on the Lord , he will see you through.
Scripture Of The Month:
"Teach me thy way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path, because of my enemies"
Psalms 27 :11
Thought Of The Month:
Have I Fallen Into A Trap Set By Satan To Distract Or Destroy Me?
Hunting Tip Of The Month:
Try making a mock scrape I can testify it does work.


You Might Be A Deer Hunter If:

1) you buy all your , soap, shampoo and deodorant from the local sporting goods story.
2) you use more than 50% of your annual vacation leave during rut.
3) you feel more comfortable in a climber ,than in a lazy boy.
4) you check the wind direction more than once a day.
5) you know the deer on your game camera by name.

Cook Out
Saturday January 18th at 11:30
Bring your own Hamburgers or Hot Dogs and Drinks
 My wife Donna is making venison chili  for the hot dogs.
See Ya"ll After The Morning Hunt

Small 6 point.

These were just a few of the deer coming though the area. I had several spikes , 4 points, and does. Again I plan on hunting this stand tomorrow before our cookout. ha ha

Wading Doe

This is my favorite picture on the camera. Whenever it rains a lot the Autauga Creek stays out of its banks for several days . That is one reason I have not hunted the swamp as much as I usually do this year. I had to wade water yesterday to get to my climber and it reminded me of those days back in Fl. when you would stay wet from your waist down every time you step out of the truck.  Just a great picture.

Swamp Buck

Maybe the same buck just not sure.

Walking Away Buck

By the way I will be hunting this stand in the morning.


Forgottin Camera

I was sitting in my climber in the swamp yesterday and saw a camera strapped to a tree . My first reaction was who has been in here around my treestand. When I got down I found the camera had my name on it and had been in there  since bow season. I had forgot about it being there. I had 662 pictures of deer the next few pictures are just some of them.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

12-23-13 Buck

This would be a nice buck to harvest. He is still out there for someone to take. Maybe someone will see him over the next few weeks.



There is a country song on the radio by Trace Adkins called “ Just Fishin”. The song is about a father taking his daughter fishing. They are both fishing , but for different reasons. The daughter thinks it is all about catching fish “ Just Fishin”, but to the father it is about creating life long memories. Now, I know this is a hunting blog, but the same can be said about hunting, hiking, camping or whatever it is you do with your kids or even your grand kids. We find in Matthew 6:19-20 Where Jesus tells us “ not to story up our treasures here on this earth , where rust can destroy and thief’s can steal , but story up treasures in heaven” Does this mean that we are not to plan for our future here on earth, a course not. It means we need to keep our priority in order and as Christian look at life through eternal eyes. As a father of three girls I have great memories of us hunting, fishing, camping ,boating and look forward to do the same with my Grand kids when that time comes. God gave us our families and He created the Outdoors, so go make some good memories that will last for “eternity”.

Scripture Of The Month:
“ Do not lay for yourself treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal: but lay up for yourself treasures in heaven”
Matthew 6: 19-20

Thought Of The Month: When was the last time you spent time in God’s great outdoors creating memories.

Hunting Tip Of The Month: Begin a daily exercise routine, so to be in shape for hunting season.

Dave's Doe

We encourage everyone to take one doe. This helps with our deer management. Dave did just that...

Donna was hunting with me in Chambers county last week. She had sat some long hours in the rain and cold. So I told her to take a deer of any size for the freezer.

Brad's 8 point

Brad Called this buck with in 30 yard's using a Quaker Boy bleat can.

Green Fields the Curse of Deer Hunting

Green Fields the Curse of Deer Hunting Back in the 80's there was a movie that starred Kevin Costner titled “Fields of Dreams.” The movie centered on a farmer who built a baseball field out in a corn field. As the movie unfolds, players show up from every where to play baseball. This goes to show that “if you build it, they will come” or does it? Hunting clubs all over the South East spend thousands of dollars a year planting the newest seed on the market in hopes to attract deer into the food plot during day light hours. I do the same thing and have for years. The trouble with this hunting practice is not the planting of the field, but the way we hunt the field. Many hours are spent by hunters, year in and year out, sitting in a shooting house on an old fashioned food plot. In most cases leaving them wondering, “Where are the deer?” Well, the deer are still there they just have become wiser than the hunter. If you were to stick your nose out on a field somewhere just to be shot at, it would not take you long to stop using that field or wait until night time to come out. With that said, let me give you several ways to see more deer. You must first ask the question, “Are we using these fields to attract does or bucks?” You may say that is an odd question... BUT, if you have planted the field to get meat for the freezer then shooting does will do. However, if you have planted the field to get a nice buck during rut, then let the does live! If you want that buck you’ll have to declare the green field a safe zone for does and young bucks. After all it is the old does that train the young bucks. Keep in mind that if you have been shooting does off your green fields it will take several years to reverse the effects so they again feel safe. As the does and young bucks feel safe on the field during the daylight hours, your sightings will increase and your mature bucks will begin coming out. Now, quality deer management says to shoot does to keep the heard balanced. I never said don’t shoot a doe, just don’t do it on a green field. Take your doe somewhere in the woods away from those safe zones. Green fields are an important part of our hunting in the South; I just think we need to be a little wiser on how to use them. Mike Denning

Mike's 8 point Dec. 2013