Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Donna and I getting ready for bow season. She was one deer up on me last year , but this year is going to be different. She may shoot well , but I set her stands up.. ha ha  79 day till bow season and counting.

Club Meeting
Tuesday Night Aug 6th at 6:00
Ryan's Steak House
Work Days
Saturday Sept 14th 6:30 - 12:00
Saturday Sept 28th 6:30 - 12:00
Planting Fields
Saturday Oct 5 6:30 till..
Please bring 4 wheelers with you, and any hand tools you need for trimming roads .
If you are unable to make these dates you can make up your time by  filling out a form in the check in boxes . You will need to fill in the: date , hours you worked and what you did . Please sign and hang on the cork board .
Looking forward to a great season !!!!!!!!

Bow Season 2013-2014
Pre -Season Bow Tips
1) Begin a daily exercise regiment.
2) Check your bow and make sure it is still in working order.
3) Shoot 5 arrows a day to help keep your form correct.
4) Place bow stands early, so the deer get used to them being in the area.
5) Place cameras in your hunting areas , but don't over check them.
6) Check  tree stands for loose bolts, rust or rotten straps.
7) Check over your safety harness  and life line.
Every year someone falls from a tree stand, so check your equipment before placing it on a tree !! Lets have a safe season !!!!!

Two more young bucks !!! I sure am glad to see them out moving around during the day light ours !!!

He will make a nice 6 point this year and in a few years he will be a shooter !!!!! Autauga Creek has some nice bucks on it and this one is a great example of the type on genes we have in our deer heard.You may ask where is this ,well your guess is as good as mine. Thanks Larry for sharing.

I think Larry's camera caught them off guard.