Friday, December 13, 2013

Single Buck


Family Unit

This is for those who have yet to fill their doe tags. You will need to guess what field this is. lol

Two Young Bucks

Nice 8 Point 2013 season

Somewhere on Autauga Creek Hunting Club.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Austin Roberts harvested a hog over the Thanksgiving holidays in Coon Bottom Fl. just outside of Westville. He was hunting with  his Dad and Uncle Walter . That smile says it all, "thanks Dad for taking me". Great Memories !!!!!  

Monday, November 25, 2013

Paige McCord is all smiles after harvesting her first buck . I am sure she will harvest many more over the next few years, after all she is a McCord. Good Job Paige !!!!!!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

My Daughter Michelle finally shoots a wall hanger and when she does she shoots a big one. We are having it mounted and she wants to know if it will replace one of my bucks on the wall . Don't Think So !!!!!

Charlie began the season off this past weekend with a spike he took during the Alabama Youth Hunt. Good job Charlie.. We always encourage our youth to harvest a deer of their choosing.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

First Rub of The 2013-2014 Season

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Donna's 10/13 Doe

She will be 52 years old Nov 28th and I bet she will be still putting deer on the ground when she is 62. Sure am proud of my wife she has killed a lot of deer since we got married 33 years ago and enjoys it as much today, as she did way back when. She harvested this deer this past weekend while hunting in Kentucky. Now she is waiting on a buck !!!! 

10 /14 buck

Not yet a shooter. Will be in just a few more years.

Two Fawns

Please make sure before you shoot ya doe she doesn't have any fawns with her. As you can see as of Oct 2 these two still had spots. They may be able to eat , but they still need their mother to protect them.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Strange Picture

I am not sure what this is but I think it is a hog???

Friday, October 4, 2013

His Return
As a young boy I would anticipate Thanksgiving morning with great excitement.  Our family would travel to Westville, a small rural town in North West Florida, off of old Hwy 90.  It was somewhat of a tradition in my young years to spend Thanksgiving morning hunting with my Dad and his brother, my Uncle Von.  My cousin and I would follow them through the swamps and slews off the Choctawhatchee River.  This particular Thanksgiving morning was no different than any other.  That was till my Dad sat my cousin and me down under a large tree and said, “I need you to sit right here and don’t get up till I return to get you.  If you start moving around I will never find you in this swamp.”  I’ll never forget those words.  My cousin and I were left there under that big tree with a single shot 22 and as we waited we could hear our Dads’ shot guns blasting in the distance.  They were harvesting “acorn ducks” or you would know them as “wood ducks”.  They returned to get us just as they said they would and I must say I was glad to see them reappear through those woods.
Our Heavenly Father has done the same thing.  He ascended into Heaven after His resurrection, but He left instruction on what we needed to be doing till His return.  It is up to us, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, to be busy fulfilling the great commission till His return.  I am afraid most of us are sitting under a big tree just waiting.
Scripture of the Month:
Matthew 28:19 – Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Thought of the Day:
Think about spending time with someone hunting this year with the intent to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with them.
Hunting Tip of the Month:
This tip is only for those men who are brave enough to ask...
You may need to ask your wife to remove all her smell good soaps and shampoos from the shower.  Let me know how that goes for you...
Yours In Christ


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Bow Hunting Tips of The Week

Helpful Tips Of The Week

1) Cut your pull rope at the height you desire to hunt. Use it as a way to measure your height up a tree during practice and actual hunting situation.

2) Practice shooting from the same stand you will be hunting out of.

3) Use tennis balls during your practice shoot. While your up the stand have someone toss the tennis ball in front of you. First identify the distance then make the shot.

4) Wear your Safety Harness even while practicing

Have A Great Bow Season !!!!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Corn Reminder

All personal corn spots must be raked up and removed by Oct1st. That gives 15 days before Bow Season opens. We do not want anyone getting in trouble for baiting.

Tall Rack

You will need to look close to see his rack. This is the buck that was standing behind the buck in the picture below. I have several pictures of these bucks , but these are the best one's. Both of these will be good bucks in a few more years.

Two Bucks

There are two deer here and both our bucks . I have had 4 different bucks come by this camera.


 The future of deer hunting wearing spot's

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Long Beard

Here is a picture for David and Justin .... Now that is a long beard.

 A small rack buck passing though.

Strolling Doe

Just a nice picture of this doe !!!! The time and date is right on this camera .

6 Point 2013 -2014 Season

I hope I see him during bow season. I don't know may let him walk just have to wait and see. He would be a great shooter in about 2.5 more years.

Monday, August 12, 2013

She doesn't have a clue her picture was just taken. Ok enough doe pictures I need some buck to start showing up on camera.

A Moma doe with what looks like a yearling from last year.

Family Unit Of Does

Two of these does look like they may be pregnant.Keep them around and the bucks are sure to follow them during rut !!!!!

I am not getting any pictures of buck yet . Keep checking over the next few weeks . I am sure they will make their way by this feeder. 54 Days till bow season !!!!!! Just a reminder all corn must be up 10 days before the season..

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Donna and I getting ready for bow season. She was one deer up on me last year , but this year is going to be different. She may shoot well , but I set her stands up.. ha ha  79 day till bow season and counting.

Club Meeting
Tuesday Night Aug 6th at 6:00
Ryan's Steak House
Work Days
Saturday Sept 14th 6:30 - 12:00
Saturday Sept 28th 6:30 - 12:00
Planting Fields
Saturday Oct 5 6:30 till..
Please bring 4 wheelers with you, and any hand tools you need for trimming roads .
If you are unable to make these dates you can make up your time by  filling out a form in the check in boxes . You will need to fill in the: date , hours you worked and what you did . Please sign and hang on the cork board .
Looking forward to a great season !!!!!!!!

Bow Season 2013-2014
Pre -Season Bow Tips
1) Begin a daily exercise regiment.
2) Check your bow and make sure it is still in working order.
3) Shoot 5 arrows a day to help keep your form correct.
4) Place bow stands early, so the deer get used to them being in the area.
5) Place cameras in your hunting areas , but don't over check them.
6) Check  tree stands for loose bolts, rust or rotten straps.
7) Check over your safety harness  and life line.
Every year someone falls from a tree stand, so check your equipment before placing it on a tree !! Lets have a safe season !!!!!

Two more young bucks !!! I sure am glad to see them out moving around during the day light ours !!!

He will make a nice 6 point this year and in a few years he will be a shooter !!!!! Autauga Creek has some nice bucks on it and this one is a great example of the type on genes we have in our deer heard.You may ask where is this ,well your guess is as good as mine. Thanks Larry for sharing.

I think Larry's camera caught them off guard.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Scott's 2nd 8 Point

Ok, Scott has done it again !!!! Two  8 points in the same year !! Way to go Scott and by the way your dues for 2013 & 2014 just went up. Ha Ha Your either extra lucky this year or walking closer to God this year !!!! All I can say is congradulations !!!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Paige's First Doe

Paige shot her first deer this year. You can till by the smile on her face she is proud !!!! Good going Paige we are proud of you too.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Scott's 2013 Buck

Scott shot this buck on the hottest day of the season. Nice deer Scott !!!!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Charles First Buck

We encourage youth to harvest a buck of choice. This is our way of passing along the sport of deer hunting. Congradulations Charle on your first buck. Thanks dad for spending time with him in the woods it is time well spend.

Donna Seven Point

Donna was hunting in Chambers County over the Christmas Holidays when she harvested this 7 point. I am a lucky man to have a wife who enjoys hunting as much as I do.