Monday, February 14, 2011

Larry this bird is waiting for you on field 12. Turkey season opens March 15th.

End Of The Season

End of the Season

2010 - 2011 deer season has come to a close and may I say my "butt" is thankful. One year I am going to add up all the hours I spend in a climber with anticipation of harvesting a mature white tail. Now for some of us the "excuses" begin... You know, you have used them yourself: "It was too cold.", "The deer never moved.", "I guess I was sitting in the wrong spot.", "The scope was off." As hunters we have all used one or more of these to describe our hunting season. Now, let me ask you a question, "What excuse are you usuing for not having your family in church?" As men and fathers it is our responsibility to see to it that our families are raised in church and grow in Christ. When the time comes and I am at the end of my life's season, I want to look back and know my children are grounded in Christ and involved in church, serving Him. It may not happen quite that way, but I know the scripture says. "Train up a child in the way he or she must go and when he or she is old, they will not depart from it." 2011 - 2012 hunting season will be here before you know it and again some of us will rely on some excuse to describe our season. Don't let your life's season come to an end and find you standing before the Lord without making sure you have trained your family in the way they should go ,because there will be no excuses that will work then. Have a great Turkey Season!!
Scripture of the Month:
"Train up a child in the way he or she must go and when he or she is old, they will not depart from it."
Thought of the Month:
Men be the example for your children you need to be, not the excuse that they use.
Hunting Tip of the Month:
Make sure you pattern your shot gun before hunting season. Different brands of shells and shot size will pattern differently from gun to gun. Find one that patterns just right for your gun.