Thursday, December 30, 2010

Jerilyn's First Buck

Jerilyn was spending quality time with her dad hunting on Dec 27 when she harvested her first buck. A big thanks to her dad for passing on the southern heritage of the sport, we call hunting. Enjoy those back straps !!!!

Mock Scrape

I had aways heard of Mock Scrapes , but had never really try to make one. Yesterday afternoon I took my boot and raked back a spot underneath a limb. Then I sprayed the limb and dirt with some doe pee. I was surprised to find this morning several tracks in it and it had been made larger. Amazing !!! I have been hunting for 40 years and have harvested my share of whitetails , but never thought this would work. I guess you can teach and old dog a new trick.

Friday, December 24, 2010

The Single Brow Buck

Some where on Autauga Creek Hunting Club.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Broken Rack Buck

It seems like the bucks are moving a little more this week. Thanks Scott for sharing this picture with us. I hope you have a stand all ready set up on him.

How God See Us

Q.D.M.A is the new "catch phrase" you will hear around most hunting clubs today. For you who may not know what that stands for it is Quality Deer Management Association. Through this organization we are taught to look at what the deer can become if we were to let it grow or should I say "let it walk". God looks at us the same way . He sees us not for what we are now, but what we can become through Him. As I look at this buck I see a young 1.5 old who if given a few years could become a nice 6 point or even an 8 point. God saw me as a young man covered in sin who needed a savior. I excepted His Grace many years ago and now strive to serve Him faithfully. I thank God for not looking at me for what I was but for seeing me for who I could be through His grace.

Scripture For The Month:
2 Peter 3:18
" But Grow In The Grace And Knowledge Of Our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ"
Hunting Tip Of The Month:
To Shoot A Nice Buck You Must First Learn To Let The Young Ones Walk.
Something To Think About:
Have You Grown In Christ Any In The Year 2010?

7 Point

Here is a nice 7 point that is walking our property some where. I think I have a climber on a rub line he is using. I just need the time and right wind to hunt him.I hope someone see him during the daily light hours.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Katies 7 point

Katie was a happy young lady after killing this 7 point while hunting with her uncle Mike. Memories to last a life time.

Mike's 9 point

I shot this 9 point Tuesday morning Nov 16 while hunting on the old family farm in Kentucky. As you can till it was raining ,but the rut was on, so I was hanging with it. I must thank the Lord for this one. It was our last day and down to the last 2 hours before we had to leave. Again Thank You Lord for this harvest !!!!

Doe Management

A little doe management can be rewarding and good for the deer heard. Shot this doe at 29 yards . She was feeding under a big white oak tree.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

First Kill With A Bow

Donna with her first bow kill. We were on a Kentucky bow hunt where Donna shot over the back of a doe and then later that afternoon harvested this 120 doe. Her P.S.E - X- Force and daily practice help her get the job done .She also saw a nice 8 point chasing a doe , but she was not able to take a shot. Good Job !!!!!! Now she is ready for bow season here in Alabama.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Three Generations

Field 2


If she could talk she would be saying " What was that?" A great picture.

New Born Fawn

Nothing more beautiful in Gods Great Outdoors than a mother doe with a fawn. It amazes me how God protects them by placing the spots on them for camouflage and for several weeks after birth they have very little sent. This is so the predators can't smell them. How can people say there is no Creator when we see his handiwork every where. A beautiful picture of love captured on film.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Let This One Walk

Feeding Together

Friday, October 1, 2010

Small Buck

Small Six point !!! Notice no velvet on his horn's. They look hard to me.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


All Corn and Corn Feeders Must Be Up By Oct. 1st.
Please make sure this is taken care of.We will plant as soon as we get some rain.
If you have game camara picture you want to share with the club just e-mail them to me.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Small Four Point

I found this small four point on my camara this morning along with several does. He is the future of deer hunting.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Friends For Now

In just a few short months they will be fighting over the does. For now they are content to be together . Maybe during bow season they will give someone a shot. If not it will be rut before these bucks are seen in the daylight. Happy Hunting !!!!!! There is more where these came from.. Hunting season 2010-2011.

Young Doe

If you want to see those bucks on this Green Field during rut you may want to let the does walk.

Small 6 point

We only had 2 pictures of this small 6 point. He will be a nice deer in a few years.

Looking At You

These three like running togather.

Lookin Good

I believe all the hard work and proper management is going to pay off for our hunting club.We don't have alot of deer , but we have some nice deer. These will be real nice in a few years.

Nice 6 point.

I think this Crab Claw ??? Not Sure . Nice 6 point looks to be about 2.5 years old.


They look like twins ,

Look Close

This picture has three bucks in it. Click on the picture to inlarge it.

Giving Us The Look

To have buck you must have does.

Crab Claw

We call this buck Crab Claw he is running with several other bucks.

Day Break

He seems to be comfortable in the day light. I still think he is a 2.5 year old. Anyone else have an opinion on how old he may be?

Mr Photogenic

He hung around for about 45 mins. after day break in the same area. He is looking right at Donna's Ladderstand.I beleive with the right wind she should be able to harvest him with her bow.
Sorry time and date wrong...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Tall But Not So Wide

He is sporting a tall rack just not so wide. He should still be growing some. This picture was taken the last wek of Aug. By the time Bow Season get here he should be a nice deer.

Hitting The Target

Hitting the Target

I saw a Charlie Brown cartoon several years ago that has stuck with me and still makes me laugh. Charlie Brown had bought a bow and was in the back yard shooting it. Linus walked up behind him and noticed every time Charlie Brown would shoot his bow he would then walk up and draw a circle around the arrow. Then he would celebrate his success on hitting the target.
As a bow hunter I know that will not work. When I lived in Ochlawaha, FL, I had a small tower in the back yard to practice off of. After months of shooting I became a fairly good shot at 40 yards. After the season arrived I found myself in a pine tree in the Ocala National Forest. When I say pine tree I mean literally the only pine tree in a young pine plantation. I had never been to the spot and a friend of mine placed me there in the dark on his way to a really nice spot. Lesson one learned, don’t always trust a buddy. (ha-ha) As day broke I had a doe walk with-in 20 yards of my single pine tree. In my mind this doe was already on the grill. I drew down for an 18 yard kill shot, only to sit down after the 4th arrow and watch the doe looking around wondering what had just happened. To this day I am not sure what happened, but just as Charlie Brown I had missed the target.
As a believer in the Most High God I sure am glad we don’t have to hit the target or measure up. We are just sinners saved through faith and covered by His Grace!

Scripture of the Month:
“For by Grace are ye saved through Faith, and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God.” Ephesians 2:8

Thought of the Month:
I wonder how many of us are drawing a circle around our targets in life and asking God to bless them, instead of asking God what target would you like me to shoot for.

Hunting Tip of the Month:
When bow hunting, take aim on the HAIR you want to shoot and not just at the deer.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Young Doe

I had several Young Does using the same area and trail as the eight point below. All together I had around 75 pictures of deer. Most were of the same deer day after day. Including a small 4 point and a spike. It looks like it maybe a good year !!!!

Same Eight Point

The Date And Time is wrong on the Stealt Cam. I hope he shows up during Bow Season.

First 2011 Buck On Camara

This eight point picture was taken on Aug 28 or 29 . The date is not right. He looks to be about 2.5 years old. I had about 30 pictures of him over a two week period. Donna he is looking right at your ladderstand !!!!!!! This is your buck for this season and he is waiting on you...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

August Devotion " Time Well Spent"

Time Well Spent

I will turn 50, better known as the “Big Five O”, this year. I wish I could say I was excited about this mile marker in my life, but will restrain from doing so. The older I get the more memories I file away in my mind. As I look back through those files I find myself reflecting back to the days with my dad, hunting and fishing. Those were good times, even though I did not recognize it then. My fondest memory centers around November 12th, because that was when squirrel season open in Chiefland Florida. The anticipation of that day left a young 12 year old boy awake all night. My Dad and Uncle Cy would have me up and ready to go at what seemed to be hours before daylight. Day break would find me up against a live oak tree with spanish moss hanging from it. In Florida we would call this an “Oak Hammock.” Before long the sounds of a “bush tail” could be heard in the distance. Then the sound of a shot gun or a 22 rifle would follow. Squirrel season had begun. My dad and uncle taught me through those experiences about woodsmenship, respect for the game laws, and instilled in me the passion for hunting that has lasted a life time.
Proverbs talks about spending time with your children, talking with them about God and sharing with them from His Word. Taking time with them when they are young will help build a strong foundation that will carry them through a lifetime.

Scripture of the Month:
“Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.”
Proverbs 22:6

Thought of the Month:
When was the last time you took a child into “God’s Great Outdoors” and just had them run their fingers through the dirt or feel the bark of a pine tree?

Hunting Tip of the Month:
Don’t shoot the first squirrel that appears after day break. Wait and just sit still, shortly you will have several in the same tree.

Florida Bear

This bear has found my Brother In Law's ladder stand in Florida. Joe I hope your not sitting in the stand sleeping!!!!!! They can't hunt bears in Florida , but it cool just to watch them. That is if your not on the ground with them. Have a good bow season Joe !!!!

Cook Out

Annual Cook Out
Oct 30
We will fire up the grill at 11:30 !!!!
Bring your own Hamburgers , Chips and Drinks !!
We will have are meeting following the meal !!!!

Work Day Schedule

Work Day Schedule
September 18 7:00 - 12:00
Oct 2 Plant Fields 7:00 -
Oct 9 Workday 7:00 - 12:00

Passing On The Tradition

Mike Denning spent several months with some young men preparing them for " The Marksman's Challenge" . This was sponsored by the Southern Baptist at the Southern Sportsman's Lodge. Three of the young men placed in their category that day. When asked Mike said that it was important to pass on the sport of archery and the tradition of archery hunting. A big thanks to Archery Unlimited in Prattville for their support.

Field 6

This doe is enjoying those peas and lab-lab. That is why we plant summer food plots. Thanks Larry for sharing this with us !!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

First Turkey Picture For 2010 &2011 Season

This will be a nice bird for the 2010 &2011 turkey season. That is if David doesn't scare him off.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Larry's 2010 Turkey

Larry has taken a fine bird for the 2010 season. He was a happy man !!!!!
Good Going Larry !!!!!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

First Bird Of The Season

David finally killed a nice bird !!!! He is a hard hunter who loves to turkey hunt. This is the first one for the 2009-2010 season
Congradulations David !!!
Larry where is your's???

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Mossberg Shot Gun

Congratulations !!!!

Travis Tate

We hope you enjoy the new shot gun From Bass Pro - Shop.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Where Is Your Place Of Worship?

Where Is Your Place Of Worship?

Through my years of being an outdoorsman, I have heard the statement, “I can worship God from a tree stand, bass boat, or even with a golf club in my hands.” Yes, that is possible, but my question to them is, “When was the last time you gathered with other believers on a Sunday Morning for a Worship Service?” If their answer is, “It’s been a while”, then my next statement would have to be, “You may want to evaluate what you are really worshipping.”
Many years ago I too had to deal with this in my own life, as a young married man who loved and still loves to spend time in God’s great outdoors. But, God’s Word is clear about how Christians are to spend their Sundays, and I’m sorry to inform you readers today, but these are not suggestions, instead they are commands! We find in Exodus 20:10 were God says that the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord God. Then again in Hebrews 10:25 we find that we should not forsake the assembling of ourselves together. God knew that each of us as believers would need a day together to encourage each other and worship Him. As I said, I dealt with this issue many years ago, but today I choose to make Sunday the Lord’s Day, not mine! Now, does that mean that I never hunt on a Sunday? No, but it is so infrequent that there is no doubt Where My Place Of Worship Is!
As an outdoorsman I find God everywhere and I enjoy His creation through the sports of hunting and fishing. But, it will never take the place of worshipping on Sunday morning at the church of my choice. God created the outdoors, but he ordained the church to carry out His Great Commission. As believers in Christ we are held to a higher standard and as believers we must be obedient to His Word. Choose today, your Place of Worship!

Scripture of the Day:
Psalm 27:4
“One thing I have desired of the Lord, that I will seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the day of my life. To behold the beauty of the Lord, and so inquire in His Temple.”

Hunting Tip of the Month:
When calling to a mature “Boss” gobbler, less is better. Remember he has probably heard every call on the market. He can tell you if it is from Wal-mart, Bass Pro Shop or even home made. So this turkey season try less calling and more patience. I think you will like the results.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Kaylas First Deer

Kayla is the grand daughter of one of our club members. Even though she did not harvest the doe on our club. We celebrate with you Kayla with your first deer !!!! Welcome to the world of deer hunting !!! We know your proud of your grand daughter Ray !!!!

Scott's Mount

Scott just picked up his 8 point from 08-09 season. This was a 2.5 year old deer !! He had D.O.A do the mount for him and he said he was pleased with the finished results. Scott has yet to harvest a deer for the 09-10 season , but there is still time !! Good Luck Scott !!!!!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Autauga Creek Hunting Club

Our club is not known for having a lot of deer . That is why we manage it by limiting our doe kills and protecting the smaller bucks. With the habitat not being the best for deer hunting we have learned that you must let the smaller bucks get some age on then, before harvesting them.Killing deer just to say we killed a lot of deer is a thing of the past for our club. We have chosen to kill less deer for quality deer management.
God gave us the resouces and we must be good stewards of those resources.

The Denning / Upshaw Hunting Team

Phillip and Donna each killed a buck a day apart.
The common denominator was the guide !!!! No name needed !!!!!Now it is my turn !!!!! Seven days left now it is crunch time !!! Both of you stay at home so I have the place to myself !!!!!! Ha-Ha

Josh Lends A Hand

Josh helps Phillip this time, but after pulling it up that hill he said not to call again. Ha-Ha

Hunting Partners

When you think of huntin partners ,you cann't help but think of Phillip and Mike. Where would huntin be with out a good huntin partner..... Good going Phillip at least I didn't have to trail this one.

Phillip's Swamp buck 2010

The Autauga Creek has given up another fine buck. This 10 point was killed January 23 around 7:15 A.M.

2010 Rut / 8 point

Nothing better than a 270 Rifle to get the job done.

The Happy Couple with an 8 point.

Donna and Mike have been married 29 years and have been hunting for over 30 years together. A good marrage is about spending time together doing whatever you enjoy doing.For us it is hunting !!!!! You can tell Donna is one happy girl. She also got a new P.S.E / X -Force bow earlier that day from Rick's Archery Store here in Prattville.

She is an all around lucky ladie.

Donna's 2010 8 point

She shot it on field 1-A on January 22 ,2010 at 5:13. It weight 140 pounds and is 2.5 years old.