Monday, August 31, 2009

Guard Your Heart

Guard Your Heart

Several months ago I purchased my wife and daughter each a new P.S.E bow from Archery Unlimited. For the past few months they have spent many hours practicing with them. The first thing they needed to work on was perfect form , you see you can’t just pick up a bow and start shooting. You must find your anchor point and become consistent with it on each shot. The string must go across the end of your nose to keep the left and right consistent. Then they had to get used to using a peep sight! Finally they were ready to shoot at the target and shoot they did. We have spent many hours as a family practicing with our bows. After a few trips to the archery range they moved from field point targets to a 3D - Deer Target. With the use of the deer I explained to then where they needed to aim to have a pass through heart shot.
With a well placed heart shoot a deer will go down quickly.
Satan is an expert when it comes to a well placed heart shot. I am not saying he is an archer, but He understands the damage He can do to a individual’s life by piercing the heart. Satan is a destroyer of lives and he wants to destroy each of us daily. He has had a lot of practice and I hate to say it ,but a lot of success at it also. He is out to destroy families , friends, and even marriages. Nothing is sacred to him or off limits. You must be on guard yourself from him daily , because he is hunting for your heart.
Scripture For The Month:
" Above All Else, Guard Your Heart"
Proverbs 4:23
Thought For The Month:
" Have You Let Your Guard Down and Taken A Heart Shot From Satan? If So Spend Time With The Father He Is The Healer Of The Heart"
Hunting Tip Of The Month:
A Good Bow Hunter Knows The Importance Of Practice. Don’t Make The Mistake Of Wiping The Dust Off Your Bow The Week Before Bow Season. Spend Several Months Before At A Shooting Range So When Crunch Time Comes You Can Pull The Shot Off. After All It Could Be A Shot Of A Life Time.
By Mike Denning
Assoc. Pastor / Minister Of Music Glynwood Baptist Church

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Want To See More Deer

Want To See More Deer?
Three Part Series
By: Mike Denning
Year after year you may ask yourself the question: "what is the most important gadget I need to have in my backpack?" Well today’s hunters have many choices: there are game calls, the newest camo patterns, clothing and sprays to eliminate human scent and the list continues!! All of these great products may give you the edge in today’s high tech world of deer hunting. While these maybe great products nothing can take the place of the good old fashion deer hunting skills. As a veteran of 37 years in this sport, I have seen it all. In the 1980's I was asked by a deer hunting personality ( whom is now seen on TV advertising for diabetic products) to use his product and then fill out a survey as to how well it did or in this case did not work. If I were asked as to what is the most important gadget you need in your backpack the answer would be simple. The answer would be a compass!!! A compass is not only a good thing to have should you get lost, it is a very important tool to use for determining wind direction. I once heard an old timer say "You must kill the deer’s nose first before you can kill him." I whole heartedly agree!!! We all know deer can smell much better than humans. There are even times he will smell you and leave the area before you are even aware that he is in the area. So you see it is really very simple, to see more deer you must determine wind direction and then set you stands with that in mind. When you are setting your stand first determine what direction you expect the deer to come from, and then place the stand down wind from it. Next don’t hunt that stand until the wind is coming from the right direction. There are some white oaks on our club that I love to hunt but I will not hunt there until I have a NW wind. Why??? Because I understand that to do so would be a waste of my time and I would be educating the deer in this area. Plan your approach to your deer stand by checking wind direction with your compass then approach with the wind blowing away form the food source or bedding area. Yes, you might have a deer that will come down wind of you and bust you but your chance of harvesting a deer will increase as you learn to hunt the wind. What if the wind changes an hour before dark? Move....yes I said move!!!! Don’t ever be afraid to move. While hunting a club in South Carolina back in the early 90's I was dropped off my the guide. Several hours passed and just as prime time was about to begin he walked up and took me out of the stand and quickly placed me in another stand on the property. Why? Well because he understood that my chance of seeing a deer had decreased drastically due to a change in wind direction!!! So the next time you are standing at the check in box, pull out the compass and begin your hunt by checking wind direction. Now this weekend is the last weekend for the "Deer Classic" at Bass -Pro so I need to get busy making my list of the things I need. Next month I will have an article on "The Lost Art of Scouting for Deer." Remember hunting the wind will always increase your chance for success!!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Field 5# Small Buck

The future of deer hunting.

Field 5#

Last Years Doe !!!!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


This is a nice Doe !!!!

Flock Of Turkeys

He is looking for you Larry !!!!!

Young Doe

I wonder what she is looking at???

Doe 8/5/09

This Doe is looking at the camera...

Small Buck 8/4/09

This looks to be a small buck. Phillip You know all that corn needs to be clean up before Sept 30 right???

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Work Days

Work Day's
Sept. 12th 7:00 A.M
Put up new shooting house
Put Tent Up
Clean Up Camp
Sept. 24th 7:00 A.M, 25th 4:00 P.M and 26th 7:00 A.M
Plant The Fields
Oct 31st Family Cook Out 11:00
after the morning bow hunt.
Hamburgers and hot dogs.
Bring enough for your family and we will have a good time.

Next Generation

Michelle will be ready for bow season !!!It is great to see the next generations enjoying the spot of bow hunting. Phillip you better look out, see will out shoot you !! My little Red Neck Girl. Go get them Michelle.
Love Dad

Friday, August 7, 2009

Johnny W

Johnny's been caught !!!!!!!!

Same Little Buck

He maybe a shooter in a few more years..

Cuddeback Aug 7, 09

Small Buck on field # 11..

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Happy Birthday MIchelle Aug 4th !!!!
Michelle with her Kentucky buck from last year.. You have become a good little hunter. You are your Dad child. Love You Dad
Do it again this year !!!!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Making The Adjustment

Making The Adjustments
My Dad purchased me my first high powered rifle when I was 18 years old. It was a used Marlin 30-30, and I mean used. It looked like a Mac truck had run it over not once, but several times. Noo matter, it was mine and I was proud of it. It had a Weaver 3x9 scope mounted on it, and I thought I had now become the ultimate deer hunter. Till then, I had been hunting with a Sears and Robuck pump 12 gage shotgun. So you can now understand why I was so proud of that gun. Back in those day’s we would road hunt, a practice I have long given up. On this particular day, I backed my 1979 Bronco under an oak tree limb overhanging the road. I climbed up on top of my Bronco with my "New To Me" old 30-30. Some time had passed when a nice Florida six-point steped out at about 100 yards. He gave me great side shot as he steped into the dirt road. I took careful aim and pulled the trigger. To my surprise he was still standing. I shot several more times before he jumped the fence and into the woods, never to be seen again. After returning to my Dad’s camp, it did not take me long to figure out what went wrong. I had never checked the scope !!!! It was not just off but "was way" off !!!!
As Christians ( I know this to be true for myself), we get so busy with life, that we find ourselves not quite hitting the mark God has for us. God has a perfect plan for our lives, but we just don’t slow down long enough to figure out what it is. It is always good to stop and spend time with the Master, after all, He created you and wants the best for you. We all need a little adjustment in our Christian walk every once in a while. By the way, I still have that old 30-30 (now in Retirement) and since that day it has taken it’s share of both deer and hogs.
Scripture For The Month:
"Turn My Eyes Away From Worthless Things; Preserve My Life According To Your Word."
Psalms 119 :37
Thought For The Month:
Just as I needed to make the adjustments on my scope, God may want to make some adjustments in our lives.
Hunting Tip Of The Month:
Always sight your rifle in before the season and then again several weeks into the season. The cost of a few bullets could be the difference between bringing home a trophy or not.
Your’s In Christ,
Mike Denning, Minister Of Music At Glynwood Baptist Church