Several months ago I purchased my wife and daughter each a new P.S.E bow from Archery Unlimited. For the past few months they have spent many hours practicing with them. The first thing they needed to work on was perfect form , you see you can’t just pick up a bow and start shooting. You must find your anchor point and become consistent with it on each shot. The string must go across the end of your nose to keep the left and right consistent. Then they had to get used to using a peep sight! Finally they were ready to shoot at the target and shoot they did. We have spent many hours as a family practicing with our bows. After a few trips to the archery range they moved from field point targets to a 3D - Deer Target. With the use of the deer I explained to then where they needed to aim to have a pass through heart shot.
" Above All Else, Guard Your Heart"
" Have You Let Your Guard Down and Taken A Heart Shot From Satan? If So Spend Time With The Father He Is The Healer Of The Heart"
A Good Bow Hunter Knows The Importance Of Practice. Don’t Make The Mistake Of Wiping The Dust Off Your Bow The Week Before Bow Season. Spend Several Months Before At A Shooting Range So When Crunch Time Comes You Can Pull The Shot Off. After All It Could Be A Shot Of A Life Time.
Assoc. Pastor / Minister Of Music Glynwood Baptist Church