Sunday, May 31, 2009

Club Rules

Autauga Creek Hunting Club
Rules & Regulation 2009---2010 Hunting Season
Purpose Statement:
To provide a place to hunt based on ethical hunting habits and where Christian standards are up held. A place where a family may come and enjoy God’s great outdoors.
1) All members must build one shooting house at their expense and must be built to the designated club design.(2009-2010 hunting season only).
2) Bucks are limited to 6 point or larger. At this time we don’t have a cull buck rule. The first two bucks can be a Six Point but the Third Buck must be a eight point. ( Total Three Bucks A Year)
3) Does maybe shot anytime with a bow up until Jan. 1st where as at that time no doe’s will be taken. Doe Days will be limited during Muzzle Loading and General Gun Season, Does are limited at this time to one per family. Does may be harvested during bow season until Jan 1st, the week of muzzleloader, opening week of gun season Sat thru Sat, the week of Christmas—Sat thru Jan. 1st. Remember protect our does, we want to grow our deer population.
4) No Guest Allowed for the 2009---2010 SEASON
5) Family Members who live at home , attend College or Military on short leave will be considered honorary members and must be accompanied by a member while hunting. Grand Children may also hunt as a honorary member as long as accompanied by a grand parent.
6) Kid’s 15 year’s of age and Younger {Non-License holder} may shoot a limit of one buck of any size a year and one Doe any time during hunting season up to Jan 1st.
7) 4 Wheelers will be limited to designated roads and at no time will be allowed with in 100 yards of any planted green field. (Except to pick up a deer or medical reason)
8) Shooting Houses our considered club property and will be available on first come first served bases. Climbers and Ladder Stands are private property, so ask before using one.
9) No Alcohol, Drugs, Smoking or Profanity at anytime.
10) All DEER Harvested, will be weighed, jaw boned and a picture taken on a camera provided.
A data sheet will also be provided. The information collected will help us better manage our deer for years to come.
11) Check In at any time as long as you are going to hunt. Sign out by Dark (Always wait on the last member)
12) If you shoot a deer at dark and find blood, let someone know you are looking for it or come back to the sign-in board and get help looking for the deer. This will keep someone from waiting and not knowing what the problem might be.
13) Camp Rules will be posted once property has been established.
14) All Members will be assigned a responsibility and must make 3 work days. A letter will be sent out through E-mail or mail to help you better plan your work days. You can make up work days by signing in and completing one of the designated responsibilities. A Fine of $50.00 a day will be collected for each work day you miss.
******** Please Note this is not a trophy club, but we intended to be a well managed club. A place where you can come and have fun and good fellowship**********
Club Members:
We will have no more that 12 full membership! Unless absolutely necessary to cover cost of lease & expenses.
Full Membership Includes:
Bow Season, Muzzle loader, General Gun & Turkey season.
Membership cost will be $900.00 plus (one shooting house the first year).
We will offer 2 Turkey Hunting only memberships at the cost of $250.00 each.
Deer, Turkey and Small Games seasons will follow Alabama Rules and Regulations,( except for the bag limits and designated doe day's)

Autauga Creek Hunting Club Membership Application

Autauga Creek Hunting Club Membership Application

Date Of Application _________

Please copy and e-mail to

Name ____________________


Address _________________________________


Phone Number ____________________________

Hunting Experience By Years __________________

How Many In Your Family Will Be Hunting _________

Believe In The Lord Jesus Christ ________________

Willing To Abide By The Rules __________________

Willing To Work 3 Day’s A Year _________________

Bow Hunt Yes / No

Gun Hunt Yes / No

Turkey Hunt Yes / No

A Full Membership includes all of the above and the 2010 -2011 membership was and is $900.00 plus a shooting house the first year. We do sell 2 turkey permits for $250.00 each year.
Please ready rules at